Wondering about Kribs...


Medium Fish
Jun 27, 2010
I was wondering if it was possible to keep kribensis in a 20 gallon tank. From what I've read, they CAN be kept in a tank of that size, but you have to be careful about tankmates. I've also read that they are hardy, not too fussy about water parameters (pH, hardness, etc), are good cichlids for beginners, and can be kept in a community tank. Does this seem accurate?

Also, does anyone have experience with kribs that could comment on how aggressive they are? When I put them in on aqadvisor, I get warnings saying that "when Kribensis starts to breed, they may become too aggressive to co-exist with guppy and zebra danio."

I also looked up rams on google and in books, and they say that rams are peaceful. Are they aggressive when breeding? What sort of conditions do they like?

Sorry for the essay! I have a lot of questions... *twirlysmi


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I searched the thread in this forum and the Fishlore one and got people's actual experiences and pretty much decided I didn't want to try it - partly because if it didn't work I had no where else to put anybody.


Large Fish
Aug 9, 2010
My kribs hav had fry now for 3 days. Before that they were just ur average peaceful fish but now they are in super parent mode and chasing anything that moves away from their corner. Super protective indeed!


Large Fish
Oct 21, 2009
I had 2 kribs in my 18g tall tank (think 2 10's stacked). Well I think they were both female, and even with a heavily planted tank and lots of hiding places the larger krib chased the smaller one for a week until it jumped out of the tank one night.

I now have 1 krib and she is peaceful with all the other inhabitants of my tank. Even the golden zebra loach will search the gravel in her cave and she doesn't mind.

If I were to try mroe than one krib I would do it in a 20 long or 29 gallon tank.