wonky-swimming, bulge-belly tetra


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
One of my von rios is swimming almost on its side, and its spine looks badly curved, plus the tetra is bulging out of both sides of its abdomen - one side bulging more than the other. Possible diagnosis, please, and remedies?
Water tests as 0 amm, 0 nitrite, <20 nitrate, pH a little higher than normal, 7.2 in the evening (I have CO2 so I understand that my pH may be swinging a bit as I have very little water hardness). Everyone else in the tank is behaving as normal, and my angels just spawned again. So I'm thinking (hoping) this is not a tank issue, but isolated to the one tetra.

Feb 27, 2009
Dropsy is not a disease in of itself, but a manifestation of a condition. I would isolate the fish and try antibiotics incase its a bacteria infection. Not all fish exhibit the 'pinecone' effect.

Dropsy is normally caused by poor water conditions, especially high nitrates. It could be TB also. Hard to tell without a necropsy.

Aquarium Fish - Dropsy - Disease Identification, Diagnosis & Treatment

Feb 27, 2009
Awww, you're not a bad fishkeeper!

Could you use a bucket you use for water changes as a QT tank? I've done that in an emergency with good success. The trouble with treating the whole tank is the volume of water is so much more. I personally wouldn't euthanize the fish yet if it is still eating and acting normally.

You could treat the whole tank as well. I've never gone that route so perhaps others with experience could chime in.

Extra water changes never hurt anything.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I could keep the tetra in my bucket or other container, but only for as long as it would be okay without filtration and heat . . . so that wouldn't be very long, right?
I went by my gut and did another 40% water change - the von rio is still swimming vigorously, if wonkily, and everyone else looks totally fine. I definitely don't want to euthanize this fish if I can save it, but I don't want others in the tank to become sick.
Thanks OC for responding - anyone else??? I've never had to put a medicine in my tank so far.