One of my von rios is swimming almost on its side, and its spine looks badly curved, plus the tetra is bulging out of both sides of its abdomen - one side bulging more than the other. Possible diagnosis, please, and remedies?
Water tests as 0 amm, 0 nitrite, <20 nitrate, pH a little higher than normal, 7.2 in the evening (I have CO2 so I understand that my pH may be swinging a bit as I have very little water hardness). Everyone else in the tank is behaving as normal, and my angels just spawned again. So I'm thinking (hoping) this is not a tank issue, but isolated to the one tetra.
Water tests as 0 amm, 0 nitrite, <20 nitrate, pH a little higher than normal, 7.2 in the evening (I have CO2 so I understand that my pH may be swinging a bit as I have very little water hardness). Everyone else in the tank is behaving as normal, and my angels just spawned again. So I'm thinking (hoping) this is not a tank issue, but isolated to the one tetra.