WOOHHOOOOO I have Krib Fry!!!!!!!

After months of WAITING AND WAITING and Oh did I say WAITING?
I was just getting ready to shut off the light on my Krib tank for the night ....When I noticed some "stuff" floating around in one of their caves.
Low and behold I gots me some babies...... The Kribs are my favorite fish of all....... Now I got to figure out what to do with them when they get bigger..... Hey Jenn...... what ya going to do with that extra 10 gal?.....*SUPERSMIL ....JNev is my daughter*laughingc ......

I am SOOOOOOOO HAPPY.....Pics to follow when they get bigger*twirlysmi *twirlysmi *twirlysmi

Question tho...... What should I be doing to ensure their growing ok and eating well.... What should I feed them ?
They are in a tank with tiger barbs... Should I take out the barbs?
Thanks ahead of time.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
congrats! one of the best things to feed fry is baby brine shrimp, it helps them grow quickly and stongly, but if you cant get hold of any, finely crushed up flakes will be ok, just make sure they are getting some and the barbs arent eating it all before the fry have chance to feed. the barbs should be ok left in there, the parents will take good care of the fry, and fight of any barbs who get too close.

also fish friend has recently had kribs spawn so he should beable to help you out a bit too.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Congratulations! Fun little guys aren't they.

I agree on the food, BBS would be great, but I've found them not to be picky eaters at all.

You may want to take out the barbs eventualy. Once the fry get big enough both parents will lead them around the tank in search of food, and if the tank isn't large enough, then the barbs may not have anywhere to get away from the parents.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
man that sucks, well if these were first time parents, they could've just got confused, and not been guarding them properly which let the barbs in to eat them.

dont worry though, they should spawn again soon, and this time i'd recomend removing those barbs ;)


Small Fish
Oct 24, 2005
Texas Hill Country
Definately remove the barbs next time. You may be surprised though when a few months down the line you notice an extra krib or two swimming around the tank. Babies are great at finding the smallest nooks to hide in until they're big enough to venture out.

I for one never keep the babies in a community tank. There's just too much risk of loosing them even to the parents.

Sorry for the loss, but hey once the breeding has started, it should continue pretty regularly