Well I've had my 20g for over a year now, and I finally found a good deal on a 55. Spent all day today transporting it and cleaning it up, and taking pics of the fish that came with it.
ANyway it came with 5 cichlids and a pleco. I gave the 2" cichlid to my brother in law cause he was obviously getting his ass kicked on a regular basis. I know one of em is a jack dempsey, but the other 3 are ones I haven't seen before. The guy said he bought em all at Petco haha.
Here's the dempsey, he seems to be the asskicker off the tank.
and then there's these 3 that I have no clue about:
Any help would be appreciated, I'm going to be trading them all in for some africans at my LFS, so I want to know what I have to bargain with
ANyway it came with 5 cichlids and a pleco. I gave the 2" cichlid to my brother in law cause he was obviously getting his ass kicked on a regular basis. I know one of em is a jack dempsey, but the other 3 are ones I haven't seen before. The guy said he bought em all at Petco haha.
Here's the dempsey, he seems to be the asskicker off the tank.
and then there's these 3 that I have no clue about:
Any help would be appreciated, I'm going to be trading them all in for some africans at my LFS, so I want to know what I have to bargain with