Working with Acrylic


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Anyone have a link that would help me build a bigger sump, an acrylic sump. To take my tank to the next level, I need a bigger sump with a differant baffle design. I am not a big DIY guy but I can't find anyone in my area that works with acrylic and I have looked, lol.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Very good site, I ought to be able to figure it out with this site. Seems like the way to go would be to have your return section in the middle with your refugeum on one side and your skimmer on the other side. As I don't have a Calcium Reactor, so I don't know the answer to this question. Can they be mounted in your sumps return section, just in case of a leak, the leak would be in your sump or, why bother because they never leak and just mount it out side of your sump.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
I'm not 100% sure to the answer. Could be space, maybe the recurculating pumps are not designed to be submersed. The flow rate on these are usually pretty slow, so if it were to leak it probably wouldn't be much to clean up. However if it leaked in your sump i think it has the potentail to do some damage on the live stock, major pH drop and high CO2