

Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
i would suggesst using corys
it depends on the sizxe of your substrate
they might not be able to get them all

have you been feeding the fish worms?
like bloodworms?
i have fed mine live bloodworms before and they undoubtedly get away from the fihes mouth and into the gravel
in there they can continue to live and reproduce
i think that corys are your best
clown loaches
or almost any loach
those guys are really badass

Oct 22, 2002
I was vacumming the gravel again this week and I noticed a couple of brownish 1-2 cm worms. At first I though that they were fish crap, but when I saw them move.....

What's the safest way to treat them. I have tetras, ottos, clowns and ghost shrimp. They aren't planeria.

Any recommendations?

The ph of the tank is 6.8, KH & GH 4, nitrates low, nitrites low. Lots of plants. I do a 30-50% waterchange biweekly.


Thanks. >:(

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
These worms are actually good for your substrate. They eat the detrius and rotting foods. I would leave them, as I had in the past.

Plus if  they stick their little heads up..they are fish food.

I've gotten them too from god knows where.  Probably came in on a potted plant or something.  I HATE potted plants but sometimes that's the only way they'll sell certain plants... then you gotta peel things back and get rid of 75% of it cuz it doesnt have anything in it... hope the rest grows yada yada...  so that's probably where mine came from since no live food in the tank by me.

I have probably about oh..if you can see 20... you probably have 80... some are only 1/4 inch long at most... others are about an inch now.  They're gone fast though... my fish happens to notice them sticking out and "dive bombs" them from the top of the tank.... GONE...slurp