worried help me

Jul 18, 2012
:( So I have had my tank for about 4 months now, I have had 1 gourami, 4 guppys and a group of tetra's, I noticed my gourami seemed unhappy so i recently purchased another gourami after advice from my local fish shop, since then my gourami (preston) has been more interactive but has been turning black?? is this normal im worried the interaction is nastiness and the 2 gourami's are not getting on please help me x


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2011
most gouramis hate each other and should never be kept in pairs, one or three but never two, I prefer one per tank, but at this time I have a snakeskin and a yellow in the same tank and they ignore each other.

Jul 18, 2012
most gouramis hate each other and should never be kept in pairs, one or three but never two, I prefer one per tank, but at this time I have a snakeskin and a yellow in the same tank and they ignore each other.
my original is a honey gourami and the newest is a blue gourami, at first they looked to not be getting along but now they mostly are ignoring each other, the black appears to have gone from my original now so im even more confused, slightly annoyed at my fish store for recommending another gourami hmmmmm

Feb 27, 2009
Keep in mind that most fish stores just want to sell you fish. My niece was allowed to start a 10 gallon tank and the fish store let her pick out 5 bala sharks for the tank.