So my John a Oscar Tiger just died last week and I have been having him for years he was about 10inch when he died. I was so hurt and My son as well. If you have ever owned a Oscar Tiger you know these Fish really become a part of your family alot like a dog or cat would because they greet you when you come home, they let you know when they are ready to eat and besides that John was my pet who really as crazy as it sound help me through the my honeys deployment to iraq because he did greet me aas I walk through the door I don't know it's werid but John was a huge part of our family and to loose him we were sad. Anyways we have a 55gal tank and just baught 2 new Oscar Tiger one black and the other Obino they are glued to each other and will not eat. It's been two days They may eat when I turn out lights but am worried because John was not at all shy when we frist got him. The two one ones Rockcie and Ethan both hide behind the rock and wont come out what should we do? Should I be worried? Signed worried parent of shy Oscar Tigers.