My poor clown loaches are having a terrible time. I had 16 of them in a 135 gallon tank with bala sharks, congo tetras, juli cories, fiddler crabs, and some other assorted fish and critters. None of the other fish have showed even the slightest sign of being sick but my clowns grew sluggish, started gasping, stopped eating and broke out in white spots. The only parameter out of spec was Nitrate at 80 ppm. I treated them with clout for several days then added 2 teaspoons of aquarium salt per 5 gallons. They started eating a little and one came out for this photo. You can see little holes where the white spots used to be, presumably where the parisites burst or burrowed out. As you can probably tell, they've got a ways to go before I can breath a sigh of releif. One did die. Letts hope the others will pull through. I've heard that fish can become resistant to ich after having a bad case. I sure hope its true!
P.S. this clown is 6 inches long. Those are pretty big holes. I'd suspect a different disease if they hadn't been white spots two days ago.
P.S. this clown is 6 inches long. Those are pretty big holes. I'd suspect a different disease if they hadn't been white spots two days ago.