Hi every one whats everyones worst ever experience during their time as a fish keeper?
Mine had to be when setting up my 20g: everytime i got to the end of fishless cylcing the tank clouded up!!! Well annoying after the third time! Anyway only been in the job for a few months so wondering what u veterans have got to say on worst experinces!!!!!!!!!!*celebratesmiley*
p.s finally got the tank sorted almost fully stocked now and ive started up a 55g!!!!!!!!!!
Mine had to be when setting up my 20g: everytime i got to the end of fishless cylcing the tank clouded up!!! Well annoying after the third time! Anyway only been in the job for a few months so wondering what u veterans have got to say on worst experinces!!!!!!!!!!*celebratesmiley*
p.s finally got the tank sorted almost fully stocked now and ive started up a 55g!!!!!!!!!!