Would a Pike cichlid go with a Purple spotted Gobby?


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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My son has a purple spotted gobby in a 29 gal tank by himself for sometime now, and we're looking for something that would be o.k with him. He is very aggressive, and the girl at the fish store said the Pike would be o.k. I don't know anything about these fish, or much about the gobby, but I will do some research first, but was wondering what everyone here thought.
I just don't think the Pike Cichld is a very nice looking fish, but they have crap for a selection of fish at the ONLY store around here. And this girl also said that a Tiretrack eel would be o.k for a 29gal tank. My son bought one a long time ago from the same store for his 29gal tank, and I ended up putting him in my 65gal. tank cuz he got too big for the 29gal. So, the girl doesn't know much, and doesn't care about what she sells to people.
Any suggestions or thoughts are appreciated.
Thanx, Jeanna


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It's a very hard to difficult to answer maybe. Pike range in size from 2 inches (yes!!) to 14, 15 inches. Also the naming and description of these guys is total chaos, so buying juveniles is very hit and miss. I had a lucius, and it took me 3 months to tie down what it was.
The other problem is they're pretty peaceful, apart from when they're hunting. If you have a really snappy goby a small pike will likely not defend itself well.
It depends on how nasty the goby is - if you can get a 5 or 6 inch pike, and can be relatively sure it isn't going to have a growth spurt then you might be able to keep the 2 in a 3 foot tank, might not. You have to suck it and see - but research the pike up front, and if you can't id it , but it looks like a jevenile and is still 6 inches long, avoid it.
Vinny Kutty has a we page with a lot of info on Crenicichla, and I advise you to have a good look at that.
On the upside pikes are really, really nice fish to have. Much more attractive than you'd imagine when they colour up


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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Thanks for the site and info. I decided to not let him have the Pike, like I said, I really, really don't want to end up having to put it in my tank down the line. And the way it's sounding, that's what would happen because of the size. I hate that the only fish store around here, are not very caring about what kind of fish they sell, they should know better. So, I also decided to only get my feeder fish from there, and now I'm planning a 3 hour trip just to find my son the "RIGHT" tankmate for his Gobby. I just wish I knew something that would go in there without a problem, but the Gobby is pretty mean. I'll start doing my homework.
Anyways, thanks again,