Would a yellow tang be okay in a 30 gal QT for about a month

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
One of my co-workers has a small Yellow Tang that he got for free and his Hippo Tang just won't have it for some reason so he said I could have this fish for free. Only problem is my 125 isn't going yet and I was wondering if anyone thought that since it's small would it be ok in my QT tank for about a month-month and a half with a 4 stripe damsel and a percula clown? Thanks for any feedback

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
Yea he's no longer here lol I traded him in for $2.00 store credit, I was going to just give him to them he came with the tank and I was fed up with him, my Perc. seems a lot more happier, he's out and about more than he's ever been and the I picked up the tang smallest Yellow Tang I've ever seen, got him some freeze dried seaweed and he gobbled down 2 clip fulls in no time. I think he'll be alright now