would it be safe?


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
My 40 gall tank has 3 Rosabra (sp?) Hets, 3 neons, 2 swordtails, 1 CAE, 1 kulji (sp?) 1 pleco, and 2 upside down catfish. Do you think it would be ok to let Ari, one of my male bettas, become part of the community? The only reasons he isn't right now are I had a paradise fish (which just died) and I'm not sure if these types of fish would be a good mix. I know it can all depend on the fish, but I wanted your opinion. Thanks.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I think a betta would get kind of lost and a bit stressed in a tank that big (and may be harassed by the CAE, not sure about the Hets I don't know anything about them). I've been told they don't do too well in anything more then 30G.

If he has enough space where he is I would leave him there.


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
what does cae stand for?

Bettas do well in large tanks! I dont know who told you they dont do well over 30g...thats ridiculous...any fish will thrive in large areas of water..as long as they have plenty of food....they naturally dont live in tiny little aquaria..even the rice paddy fields become flooded and they can be larger than 30...mine live in an 85gal tank ..and are just fine


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Chinese Algae Eatter.

They can be mean little buggers.

I can see the sense in it. My bettas literally hang out in a 1/3 of the 10G. My female roams around a bit but my male has his turf from the feeding ring to his favorite plant and rarely leaves it. They'll be moving to my 30G soon, I guess I'll see how they do with more space. I'm concerned about their getting enough to eat.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
They've been together since they were babies, about a year and a bit now... at the time I totally didn't know any better. When they were small they lived in a 2G together (again when I didn't know better) and then moved into my 10G when I got it set up.

Strangely they never fight. He's EXTREAMELY calm for a male though and the only time he flares at anyone is if they get between him and his food. The female's some what larger then he is and she's actually the more aggressive of the two of them. She has a much larger turf then he does and they sort of meet in the middle under the feeding ring.

The only time I ever have issues with them is when she gets her breeding stripes and he's not intrested in blowing a bubble nest. She gets pretty irritable with him then.


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
I have had mine with gouramis..angles..any fish that love to eat and compete...and the bettas compete well...they are active and on the watch for food..they roam well..especially during feeding..and in the daytime they explore their surroundings..go in and out of caves..and at times they will "sit" on the bottom of plants under gravel and onto of plants, just below the surface..and they absolutely love swimming the entire length of the aquarium..i have one thats four feet long and the other five feet

ohh and a CAE is fine...i dont see how it would be a problem with your betta..try it and see how it works..just introduce the CAE last

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Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Well, I let him out about a week ago now and have been keeping an eye one things and thus far everything seems to be fine. My CAE doesn't seem to bother Ari at all and Ari doesn't bother any of the other fish. So it's so far so good.*thumbsups

Mar 7, 2008
i have a betta is my 3g and he seems lonely. do they get lonely? he is pretty friendly and rarely flares at me. feeding him is pretty cool cause he knows my specific actions for feeding and will come to the top. to keep a long story short- can i get 2 otos to keep him company? i hear they make good tankmate. and if so, do i just feed the otos a wafer every other night or so?


Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2008
Bettas prefer to be alone and get together to mate or fight. Otos do better in larger than 3 gallon tanks because they need a good quality of water. Otos do better in larger groups mine hang together all the time. Some bettas don't flare unless they really fill threatened others will flare at a plant. Sometimes I will put a mirror up to my laid back betta just to get him excited.