wow, I just found all these!


Large Fish
Sep 1, 2004
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Hi, everyone! I found this forum searching for info on algae control, and just dove right in!

I'm new to the fish game. I tried keeping bettas 3 yrs ago, and they kept jumping out of the bowl. So after 4, I quit that and decided I just didn't do fish.

Then I bought a house that came with a pond, and the owner actually left me her fish! Like giant, goldfish! I don't know WHAT she was thinking, and I was FREAKED OUT!

Long story short, the burden of those beautiful fish that had been alive for more than two years (!) made me start asking questions, reading everything, and finding out a lot of useful info. (My husband says I'm obsessed. I'm just amazed at how much ignorance abounds!)

Anyway, I'm doing my best to be a good fish keeper now, and after 6 wks, I think I've made it to the end of fishless cycling a 10-gal tank--finally ammonia at 0, nitrites at 0!

I'm planning to upgrade to a 20-gal asap, and I've gotten great fish suggestions and lots of good advice from this site already. THANKS to you all!

Here's my planned aquarium: (starting in the 10-gal)
1 oto
4 cardinal tetras
4 porkchop rasboras


1 oto
4 harliquin rasboras
2 panda cories (or sterbais?)
2 white skirt tetras

(Or some mix of 8-9 of those, depending on size. I'm not sure what I'm going to be able to find in my area!)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Well first off welcome to the tank :)

Congrats on getting through your first fishless cycle...thats tough for anyone starting out!

Personally...I LOVE the harlequin rasboras. I have a few and they're probably near the top of my favorite fish list. The only thing you have to watch out for with them is to make sure none of them are sick in the tank you get them from. They're really susceptible to mouth fungus and getting sick...but once you get them and they're healthy they're great fish.

All of the fish that you picked sound like they'll get along well :) Since you're upgrading to a 20, I think my suggestion would be to get about 3-4 panda cories (if you can find them) and then 5-6 of either the white skirts or the rasboras. Then they'll be fine in your 10...and when you get the 20...add in a school of the rasboras or the white skirts and then maybe a few of the cardinals :) The otto usually isn't reccomended until you have a somewhat established tank (maybe a little algae) so that he has something to eat.

However you choose to work it...just make sure you dont overstock, but remember that each of the fish you picked are schooling fish and prefer to be in groups of at LEAST 3, more comfortable with 5+. (my otto does fine by himself though)


Large Fish
Sep 1, 2004
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Hey! Thanks, everybody! :D

And THANKS for the fish advice, FF! I haven't bought any fish yet (out of town company), so I'll jot down your suggestions for starting out.

Also, I have spots of brown algae in areas around the sides of my tank, which is why I was thinking of the otto. Still think I should wait on him?

thanks again! :)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
hey if there's food for him go ahead :) just that a lot of times ottos get starved in shipping/pet stores because they dont feed them enough of the right stuff and then people buy them and they die within a couple of days in the new tank because there isn't any food for them there either. You'll be surprised how quick he'll make your tank spotless, I know I was!!