So...I'm fairly new to the whole FishKeepingThing. Unless you count a betta I had when I was, like, eleven.
I'm now 32 and I have finally managed to get a 75 gallon freshwater under control, raise 25/25 molly fry and learned a thing or two about why fish die along the way.
I've learned a great deal, really, and I'd like to expand that to saltwater. However...funds are, well, much more limited than I'd it won't be anything big. Which is why my very first saltwater post happens to be here in the Nano section.
Enough rambling...on with the show!
I was in my LFS today, and mentioned I'd like to someday get myself a nice Hex with some seahorses, shrimp and a clown...perhaps even a starfish that doesn't get too big.
Frank, my LFS Manager, pointed to the tank on the counter. It was a 10g acryllic bowfront. It included all the equipment, live rock, substrate, clown and shrimp. Basically, I just take it home, set it up and it's good to go. All for the low, low price of $249.00+tax (Cdn). This was quite a jump from the $120 I spent getting my first 10g set up.
I've read the sticky about setting up a Nano system...and the only concern I have is the fact that I'd have to add water every other day. It's rather abnormal for me to be away from my fish for more than a day and a's never happened, in fact. But I will eventually go on vacation, and that would be for a week or more.
Is there anything that I can do, save bringing a third party in to top up the tank every other day, in order to not have to worry about it?
Honestly, I don't know exactly what this post was originally going to be about...but it came to that question, so...yeah.
I'm now 32 and I have finally managed to get a 75 gallon freshwater under control, raise 25/25 molly fry and learned a thing or two about why fish die along the way.
I've learned a great deal, really, and I'd like to expand that to saltwater. However...funds are, well, much more limited than I'd it won't be anything big. Which is why my very first saltwater post happens to be here in the Nano section.
Enough rambling...on with the show!
I was in my LFS today, and mentioned I'd like to someday get myself a nice Hex with some seahorses, shrimp and a clown...perhaps even a starfish that doesn't get too big.
Frank, my LFS Manager, pointed to the tank on the counter. It was a 10g acryllic bowfront. It included all the equipment, live rock, substrate, clown and shrimp. Basically, I just take it home, set it up and it's good to go. All for the low, low price of $249.00+tax (Cdn). This was quite a jump from the $120 I spent getting my first 10g set up.
I've read the sticky about setting up a Nano system...and the only concern I have is the fact that I'd have to add water every other day. It's rather abnormal for me to be away from my fish for more than a day and a's never happened, in fact. But I will eventually go on vacation, and that would be for a week or more.
Is there anything that I can do, save bringing a third party in to top up the tank every other day, in order to not have to worry about it?
Honestly, I don't know exactly what this post was originally going to be about...but it came to that question, so...yeah.