
May 14, 2004
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this place is great!! the water is nice, and the other fish are sooo friendly!! :) its soo much better than the tank I was in before,....the waters were so foggy that I couldn't find anbody!;)
im a total first tank, a ten gallon, HAD three mollies(they are my sisters<shes five>....when they died she bawled her eyes out....poor girl:( ), five guppies, and was continually adding fish that my friends gave me or that i found in my grandpa's canal:)eek: ). its no WONDER that they all died. now that i know all that i know, i completely started over. still have the ten gallon, but it has two serpae tetras, and i would like to add a betta someday. i also have a twenty gallon that has three swordtails, one mollie(that was supposed to be a female swordtail, turned out to be a male after it sired my fist swordtail fry:p ), three bleeding heart tetras, and one diamond tetra.
very excited to be here, and have already learnt a whole bunch! :D