WTB or trade for: glossostigma

Oct 22, 2002
I need a small (or large) amount of glossostigma.

It is for a 15g Long tank that I am starting up shortly.

The tank will be split into 2 levels with the lower level containing the glossostigma.

I'd like to flood the lower level and plant the glossostigma so some bacteria can form and it can root in well before I fill the tank all the way up and add the bulk of my plants to the upper tier.

(yeah yeah I know it sounds crazy)

When I do my bulk order of plants (use the term bulk lightly as its only a 15g tank) I would be happy to compensate you by purchasing and mailing you your choice of plant from the online distributor that I choose (yet undecided) in payment for your contribution!
or if cash is king, so be it!


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