wtb YT or RT barracuda anyone know of anywhere?

Apr 27, 2012
Lexington, KY
im looking for either 4 or 5 all redtail or all yellowtail barracuda for my 120 gal community tank. ive searched high and low. found a few sites but they are overcharging. Im located in KY and would rather PU than have them shipped out. but if i have to i will order them online. anyone have any ideas on where i can find these? by the way im not looking for what some LFS call freshwater barracuda that are really hujeta gar.

Feb 27, 2009
In my experience, red-tails are far more aggressive than yellow, if you are meaning: Acestrorhynchus falcatus (red-tail Barracuda) and Acestrorhynchus falcirostris (yellow-tail Barracuda). Not sure what is in your 'community tank,' but either will eat smaller fish if they can. Neither hail from KY, so shipping them in (cost to you or to a fish store) is the only option.

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Superstar Fish
These are not meant to be community fish. OC is right they will eat the community fish.
And you already have 5 yellow tail in this tank, This might be overstocking it a bit.

these hujeta are not actually barracuda they are gars. similar in appearance though. The main difference is the "beak" of the hujeta is longer and they will only grow to 6 maybe 7" depending on the tank size. barracuda are much faster and more aggresive when well kept. I currently have 4 hujeta in my 50 gallon and i have 5 yellowtail barracuda in my 120 gallon. the yellow and redtail also grow much larger than hujeta averaging 12-16" when kept in captivity

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