What I do for sensitive fish is this:
I have the supplier pack them in a larger volume of water than they normally do. I also bring a small bag of my own (a ziplock type bag) to put a small sample of the tank's water in to test when I get home.
When I get them home, I put them in a two gallon bucket I have just for acclimation. It is dark and I keep it covered to reduce stress. It also has a heater in the bottom. In this bucket, I add some plant clippings (also to give the fish a sense of 'natural' environment to reduce stress).
I then quickly test the water sample and the tank's water they will be going into. Depending on how different the readings for pH, GH, and KH are, I start drip acclimation. I have a kit I use, but any airline tubing can work. I like the kit since you can adjust the flow very easily.
I start dripping the tank's water into the bucket until the volume is up near the top of the two gallon bucket. The more the two water samples differed, the slower I set the drip rate.
I then remove 50% of the water, then restart the dripping again.
I remove again 50% of the water, then restart the dripping again.
At this point, the fish are in water that is mostly tank water. I have a small glass jar I use to get the fish out of the bucket, as I've seen too many fish get caught on nets. I use a net to 'herd' the fish into the jar, then gently lower the jar into the new tank. The fish never leave water, which is less stressful than a ride in the air in a net.
Good luck with your fish. Post pics once they are settled!