Yep bout ready take the plunge


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
My 29 gal brackish tank is about ready to move over to full marine. I say this because in this tank the only occupant is a green spot puffer, and he is getting to the size where he will required this. Now I plan on it being a FOWLR. I have down the basics and will do away with the HOB and replace it with 2 power heads.

Now my questions is about lighting. This tank came with a standard black plastic hood with a light on it. Can I overdrive this fixture enough to support live rock? Do I even need to do this....just for live rock?

Thoughts?? Suggestions??

Please keep in mind I am keeping a puffer here that will destroy most inverts, but low light corals are not out of the question.


Medium Fish
Mar 31, 2006
I'm guessing from your description that you have normal output fluorescent lighting correct? which is fine for a FOWLR. If you wanted to keep some low light coral though I would upgrade lighting to at least PowerCompact fluorescent.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Indeed that is right. I was thinking about that. Was kinda wondering if over driving the ones I have will work. If not that's cool. Will the standard 24 inch 65 watt reef CPF be enough?

Keep in mind that I do not want high light high maintenance. I have enough tanks to keep me busy as is. I just want this one to be a nice home for the puffer.

And a cover is a must.

Thanks for the help.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
never enough Mr Mouse never enough....:p

Edit: actually no you do not know how many I have as I didn't list numbers, just species I am keeping ATM. I felt numbers would just be bragging. :D

Lucky for the readers I didn't also list the species I have kept, normal and very odd. :D:D

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Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Yeah I'm bad about reading stickis...It's so funny until it isn't funny any more. I have and will spend hrs researching a species, but for some reason have yet to read all of the stickies here on this site. *hangs head in shame* I will tomorrow I promise.

Edit: Now who do I talk to about some profiles..makeing and fixing some that are up ATM?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You will find NO fluorexcents fine for most of what turns up on lr, and a combination of a 10K and an actinic very good for growing coralline algae which is what everybody seems to like.
20 gals is a bit small for a FOWLR, but it's ok if you are looking to maintain a specific fish. I have a total of 6 fish by the way, so counting them is easy for me.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
It's a 29 and is actually bare minimum for this guy. He maxes at 6 inches. Right now he is around 4. He seems to be growing pretty slowly, but all this will be moved to a 55 when he gets bigger.

That's one of the reasons I do not want to dump a ton of $ in lighting for this tank as it will not be his permanent home.

Thanks for the info on the lighting.