I'll try some lettuce, carrots, and spinach. That seems plentiful in my house. As for Shadow, my smallest Oto, he died today. When I came home from school I saw him attached to the front of my tank wall. He looked normal, but his tail was bent from my Java Moss. After 15 minutes of him not moving, I looked at his gills. Sure enough, he wasn't breathing. When I did water change, I took him out (by hand) after I moved the Java Moss and he slid down. I put him in a plastic bag with my reciept, I took a sample (bag full) of the water (standard policy), even though he died from not eating, and I'm having my dad take him back to the lfs so I can get store credit (cuz they don't refund fish). The lfs isn't so local. It's about a 30 minute drive and my dad works a few blocks from there, so he's willing to do it for me. Yay!! First time ever, dad. Just don't mess it up, please!! I don't have a water test kit, so when they test the water sample, I want to see the results. I already wrote that in permanent marker on the bag, lol!!