Yep, I Think I'm the Only Person Who DOESN'T Know How to Grow Algae


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I want to grow algae (yes, lol) to put in my tank. I have some Otos coming in, so what is the quickest way I can grow algae?? I'm also open for putting things in a bowl of water and putting them in the window.*crazysmil


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Yes, but I'm pretty sure that would stink. Can I put a Terra Cotta Pot (CLEAN!!) in a plastic bowl of water (that covers it fully) and leave it in a window (and maybe put a table lamp by it) for a week or two??


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
You can get some 6500k lights at lowes or home depot for cheap. They range from 10w to 26w. The higher wattage, the more algae.

Plastic bucket with a couple terra cotta pots and a couple of them lights and you'll be covered in algae in no time.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Thanks!! Can I use a little desk lamp (the ones with the adjustable necks) and have around a 10 watt flourescent bulb in there?? A 10 watt flourescent bulb shines as bright as a 50 watt bulb.

Oct 15, 2010
Perhaps pick up a CHEAP bottle of aquarium plant fertilizer (eg. nutrafin plant gro- VERY GOOD!!) and add a some of that to the aquarium water. Just follow the directions. Conditions good for plants are also good for algae. You can do the same with the terra cotta pot and light. Though, I would try the light, and terra cotta pot only first. If that works then don't bother.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Thanks Betta Lover!! I have Java Moss in the tank though, and I don't want to kill it.... I'm gonna try the Terra Cotta Pot. It looks like my little Oto, Shadow, isn't getting enough to eat. My other Oto, Fang, when on an eating spree, plus he has a plump belly already. Shadow is skinny and likes to hide. He just sticks himself to my tank wall and stays there. No mouth movement what so ever. As for Fang, he goes around like crazy trying to eat as much algae as possible. What can I give them (besides blanched zucchini cuz it's out of season at the stores) to make sure that they don't starve?? And so that Shadow can at least get something to eat.

Oct 15, 2010
Spinach, carrots, cucumber, ( <- all blanched), plain algae wafers...

The java moss should be fine- I have it in most of my tanks, and the plant gro wouldn't kill it- it would actually grow nicer, and faster. Just check your iron level first. If it is lower than 2.5, you should be using products like the plant gro. It would help the java moss, and it would grow algae too.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I'll try some lettuce, carrots, and spinach. That seems plentiful in my house. As for Shadow, my smallest Oto, he died today. When I came home from school I saw him attached to the front of my tank wall. He looked normal, but his tail was bent from my Java Moss. After 15 minutes of him not moving, I looked at his gills. Sure enough, he wasn't breathing. When I did water change, I took him out (by hand) after I moved the Java Moss and he slid down. I put him in a plastic bag with my reciept, I took a sample (bag full) of the water (standard policy), even though he died from not eating, and I'm having my dad take him back to the lfs so I can get store credit (cuz they don't refund fish). The lfs isn't so local. It's about a 30 minute drive and my dad works a few blocks from there, so he's willing to do it for me. Yay!! First time ever, dad. Just don't mess it up, please!! I don't have a water test kit, so when they test the water sample, I want to see the results. I already wrote that in permanent marker on the bag, lol!!

Mar 7, 2005
Westchester Il.
The only thing you really have to do is leave the light on for a longer period. Algae needs a relatively long light cycle to start growing. Plants can start using light right away, whenever I start to see algae in my tanks i go with two shorter light periods in my tanks, that way the plants can use the light, but the light isn't on long enough for algae to start using it


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Hun, I don't know that 10g for a new fish keeper is the best place for ottos... They are finicky about water. 10g is a really small tank to keep perfect parameters 100% of the time in. ;( I thought this when you said you were getting them, i would suggest something hartier.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I know that Otos are notoriuos for dying, but what hardier species are there besides Plecos?? I want fish, not snails!! :,( Like it says in my signature, I am starting another tank. I can hold off getting the Betta (even though I'm already going to do that cuz I want to try to raise my platy fry) and tranfer some fish there. Mainly my other platies. I have enough mesh to create a tank divider (I already made a working one) and I can make another to split the tank into 3 sections. It will be male platy, female platy (females after the mom gives birth) and fry. That way, they'll all have 3.3 gallons each. I'm currently in the proccess of getting another tank (maybe a 20 gallon, but right now, I can only find 10 gallon with the supplies included.< best bet) and I can move my extra fish into there. I'm going to give away all but 2 colorful and healthy females of the group. Don't worry about it, (even though you probably will) I have a lot of money stored away and I can easily have access to it. What can I say. From having a childhood of no pets and just recently getting some, I've turned somewhat into a fish hoarder. At least I'm keeping them healthy and I have all the supplies I need readily available if any fish should fall ill.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
ok, well you should really be shooting for like a 30-55 gallon with the way you are adding fish.

Since you don't have algae you don't need an algae eater... you have 9 fish in 10 gallons of water....

I understand being strapped for cash, I would start to check craigslist. I am willing to bet you can get a 29-55g tank for the same price as the 10g setup you are talking about. 29g tanks with all the junk are regularly around 40-50 dollars used. 55g tanks with all the trimmings can easily be found for <100 dollars.

Snail would be your only choice as the bio load of a pleco would be far too heavy for your current set up

20 gallons of water (your two tanks combined) can house about 10 fish...


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Hm. Ok. The thing is, how much approx. would it cost for shipping and handling with a tank that size?? Cuz I'm not going anywhere and with how my parents act (omg!! Craigslist killler!!) the person's not going anywhere either. They don't even trust them if we meet up at a place like Town & Country or Walmart. But, I'll look. I currently have both of my tanks on this HUGE hope cheast that I have. It also has my gigantic, and pretty old, radio. It's one of those old ones where 1 speaker costs around $600. I'm sure I could move my two 10 gallons and put one big tank on there. Would it be fine if I put my 10 gallons on the floor?? Even though it's winter, it's around 72F in my room (for some odd reason). Plus, the tanks both have heaters.