I recently got 2 for my 55 gallon, which I guess I should learn not to really listen to my LFS, but oh well. The guy that sold them to me picked these thinking they were both female. I don't think he was right, but then again what do I know.
One is teeny tiny, like literally not much bigger than my brilliant rasboras. The other is at least twice as big, but that one has a really bright colored belly. I honestly can't tell the sex, so I am going to try to get some decent pictures and see if I can post them so maybe some of you guys can sex them for me. I don't really want to breed them, as they are in a community tank and I already want another tank bad enough without needing an excuse to get another. *crazysmil
One is teeny tiny, like literally not much bigger than my brilliant rasboras. The other is at least twice as big, but that one has a really bright colored belly. I honestly can't tell the sex, so I am going to try to get some decent pictures and see if I can post them so maybe some of you guys can sex them for me. I don't really want to breed them, as they are in a community tank and I already want another tank bad enough without needing an excuse to get another. *crazysmil