Yet another Kribensis post

Aug 9, 2007
I recently got 2 for my 55 gallon, which I guess I should learn not to really listen to my LFS, but oh well. The guy that sold them to me picked these thinking they were both female. I don't think he was right, but then again what do I know.
One is teeny tiny, like literally not much bigger than my brilliant rasboras. The other is at least twice as big, but that one has a really bright colored belly. I honestly can't tell the sex, so I am going to try to get some decent pictures and see if I can post them so maybe some of you guys can sex them for me. I don't really want to breed them, as they are in a community tank and I already want another tank bad enough without needing an excuse to get another. *crazysmil

Aug 9, 2007
Thats the reason I'm confused. The larger one IS the one with the colored belly. The small one (who is literally about the same length/size as my brilliants) has little to no color.

Could it just be that he's just younger? To me it looks like he's the male.

Either way I don't think they'll pair... the larger one (female?) really doesn't like having the little one around. I had wanted two females anyways... so maybe that is what I got.. who knows.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
The larger one with the more colorful belly is female.
Smaller one might be too early to tell yet, but if you think it's male, then it probably is.

IF you end up wanting to breed them, here's the way to go about it:
Either way I think you need to get rid of the small one and pick up a male that is about the same size as your female---they'd have a much better chance of pairing-up that way. Since it sounds like you wanna hang onto the female, you might consider adding two comparable-sized males in at the same time and let her choose whichever mate she prefers...then simply remove the non-paired male.

BUT, since you said you aren't interested in breeding at this point, then I'd simply get rid of the smaller krib and just hang onto the female.