Yet another newbie


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
Hi all, glad I found a good site to learn from. My dad always had fish when I was little, but I really don't remember much beyond loving the black mollies.

I sort of inherited a small 5g from my daughter with 2 goldfish when she she moved into a new dorm. After quite a few deaths, and searching, I've figured out it was way too small and I wasnt treating him well enough.

Charlie (the only surviving one) is a fantail about 6 months old and 2 inches long (not including tail). He was just put into a new 14g tank with 2 fiddler crabs (kids!) that require a heater. The tank seems so empty with just him and the 2 crabs so i was thinking of another fish, just haven't decided so any hints, suggestions, or thwaps anyone feels is ever needed :)


Medium Fish
Jan 28, 2009
Auburn, AL
I'd be careful. The fancy goldfish should be in about a 20g(as a rule of thumb 20 for the first and 10g for each fancy goldie after that, if it's a feeder(comet) then 30g for the first one and 10g per goldie after that). I don't think fiddlers and goldfish are good tank mates IMO. Goldfish are gold water fish and fiddlers like warmer water (75-85 F). Also fiddler crabs really need brackish water. Just not a good mix IMO.

I wouldn't put anything in the tank if your going to keep the goldfish, they have a big bio-load. Good Luck though.


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
Yeah I had my doubts about the fiddlers, but theres really no where else to put them since the kid bought them. I know Charlie will eventually need a bigger tank, but for now this one will have to do due to space. I may switch over to tropicals if I can find a home for him.


Medium Fish
Jan 28, 2009
Auburn, AL
oh for the fiddlers make sure they have an island of you don't already. They need a place to get in and out of the water. I kept my fiddlers in a 3g tank with no filter for a little while and it was too much work and I won't ever do that again. You can put them in a 5 gallon bucket with an air stone(or some other filtration) and an island(brackish water). You wouldn't need much water. I doubt you want to do that though.
Good Luck