Yet another stocking thread

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
I'd like to hear some feedback on what I'm planning to stock with. Do you see anything wrong or that problems will arise??

For a cycled 55g:

2 small angels
6 varied mollies
2 m guppies
2 or 3 apple snails

and leaving some room for molly fry to grow up.

What do you think? Will the angels be too aggressive? I never had them before.

Another question. Which would you recommend adding first once it is cycled?
And one more for molly owners...freshwater ok?

PS My son originally wanted goldies but now he wants livebearers instead.
I'm down with that, lol. It will be a great experience for him and we even have a smaller tank in case the fry get eaten in the bigger one.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
They are semi aggressive and have been known to eat small tetras so there might be some problems if you get any kind of fry. Hopefully the rest of the fish are fast enough to get away.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I think the angels could be a blessing, when I had mollies they reproduced faster than guppies! You could try separating a few fry if you definately want them to survive and leave the rest to fend for themselves.. bit cruel I suppose but you could end up with population issues in the long run.

Freshwater is fine for mollies, but keep an eye out for diseases such as ich especially, they become quite prone to it without a little salt in the water. That current list I think will be fine with a little bit of salt (although I'm not sure on apple snails.. someone else might know?) so it's really up to your preference.


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2009
I am concerned about the angels. I have read many warnings about their behavior with other peaceful fish. Haven't tried it though. I have a tankful of livebearers. Your son made a great choice. Mollies are fun, frisky, interactive fish. We love them. Soon, you will have lots and lots of them though!

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
Yeah I'm still not sure about the angels. Leaning towards no for them. Do you keep mollies, beckyd?
My son and I love them but I definately want to stay freshwater.
So I'm still on the fence about them too.
The last thing we want is to bring home beautiful mollies that will die in freshwater.
So more research to do but if anyone wants to brag about the health of their mollies in freshwater...feel free. I'd love to hear it.


Medium Fish
Jan 18, 2009
Euless, TX
I have seen angels work wonderfully in community tanks. My mom used to keep angels with mollies, platies, tetras, and guppies with no problem. And her tanks were WAY overstocked and still no aggression problems.
I think with the size tank you are getting there is sufficient space for everyone to spread out and be comfortable. The only problem you may face is if your angel pair breed. They can be very protective of their eggs and will chase off anyone who gets too close.
If that possibility scares you, then consider just getting one angel. It can be your "centerpiece." In that tank an angel will grow in to a beautiful specimen. :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I kept angels for years and never had them become aggressive to any other fish apart from each other when they paired for breeding. I've found the best scenario with angels to be either a single one, a pair, or an even group (4/6 upwards). In an odd numbered group, one will likely be the "odd one out" and be victimised.

Your mollies won't die in freshwater. I would suggest a little bit of salt in the water as I already mentioned because they can be a little more prone to ich without it but it is by no means absolutely neccessary. I seem to remember someone else asking about mollies a while back and there being different accounts on what worked.. many had success without salt.