*Yet* another...

Mar 11, 2003
Okay, I know I have 30 bettas, but that just doesn't stop me. I went to walmart today, fully aware that I have no room for males AND that yesterday was restock day. I just HAD to look. I looked ans look, there were lovely lavendar, red, ans steel males. And only one sickly looking female. I was just about to leave when my brother points to a cup on one of the merchandise shelves. This made me angry because this betta could hardly be seen and would've starved to death had we not found it next to some filters and fake plants. Anyway, I was on my way to put the cup on the betta shelves, when I noticed that it was a female. I looked again she was a steel blue female... a closer look...she was a CT, and yet another examination and I found out she was a double ray CT steel blue female. GORGEOUS!!! After Diamond had died, I thought I would just let the 4 girls and 2 cories live out their days in the 10 gallon community tank, but this girl was way to cute to pass up. I am still thinking of a name. I put stress coat, aquari-sol, and salt in a 1 gallon pickle jar w/ silk plant and marbles to help her feel better. She doesn't appear to be sick, although thats never stopped any of the others from getting finrot, fungus, ect. I am going to quarentine her for a while though. My gosh! I have fattened up my pet store females. They are HUGE compared to any of my breeding females. I swear their bodies are 3-4 inches long! Hopefully they are not to big or too mean for this little girl. I am debating whether to breed her or not though, lol.



Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
Nice. I understand the temptation whenever you walk into a store. The only thing keeping me in check is my wife, for now. If I spot a unique looking male, I doubt even she could stop me.

I am designing a betta barracks system. One that would work for breeders but also fish stores. I am designing it to hold 1 gallon per fish, with some filtration, and fit on conventional store shelves. I am also considering some form of double-boiler style heating system (where the individual tanks are surrounded by heated water). I am not sure if I will find a big market for it, so I am going to build a prototype that will hold 15 tanks first. With any luck, some LFS bettas will never have to live in a cup again!

Will post some pictures once it is done.