Yo-Yo Loach Digging Up Dirt.

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Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Although my first yo-yo terrorized other fish in the tank, Im starting to think I liked him a little better ... the one I have now is constanly digging in the gravel and sending dirt all over the tank. Its floating about everywhere and I cant stop the loach. Hes not hungry either, we are talking about one well fed fat loach! I cant keep the water clean now, Yesterday I did a 40 % water change, the filter is running, yet there is still dirt! Does anyone know how to solve this? Also I used to gravel vac but not lately as most of teh bottom is covered in plants and structures.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
He's probably laughing the whole time too eh? ;)

Is dirt your substrate...or what exactly is being mixed into the tank? If its debris then I would say you should use the vac more often...if it really is your substrate then...hmm...I'm sorry I have NO idea. maybe a bigger layer of substrate that the loach can't move around as easily?


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Its debris that hes digging up. I know I really should take the vac to the tank, but its gonna involve taking out structures and plants (plastic) *hes doing it right now :mad: * Im not sure if I want to go through all that every week.

Its got to the point where I am considering getting rid of him, but I really dont want to as I have grown to like the little guy. What do you guys think of a tank without substrate? Kinda wierd? Also what do you think is the minimum tank size I could keep him happily in? Thanks =)


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I was wondering that. You dont think its too small?

If not my friend is offering to add him to his tank. He has a 29 gal. with two blue gouramis, an angel (those three are all fully grown) and ... here comes the shocker ... a pleco. Personally I think the pleco belongs in a larger tank, but he wants to keep him. So what do you guys think of that set up with a yoyo loach? Or should I just set him up his own 5 gal?

i dont think a tank with out substate is a good idea they get there food from the substate it woundnt be able to eat i have three yo yos myself and they dont bring any dirt up from the gravel i think you should keep him in your big tank and just do more clean the gravel more often is the bottom completely cover with plants and stuff? if not just do the bits you can how do you keep your tank clean if you dont vac the gravel? also how big is he?


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Lol! Loach your hilarious :D

My first yoyo was hard to find a home for (he died before moving :(). Now on this yoyo I have two people fighting over him! Its either gonna be the over crowded 29 gal. or a 5 gal. with some tetras!


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I answered: water changes.

I do not want to take him back to the LFS because I want to be sure that he has a good home. For all I know if I take him to the LFS some newbi to the hobby could get him and he may die in cycling, or he could be mixed with the wrong fish or not fed the pellets he likes, or have a plant to fall asleep on. As you see I haev ahigh imagination, and I belive it is my responsibility to make sure hes okay.

i dont think just taking water out and putting new water in really cleans your tank all the fish waste goes into the gravel with waste food and all that to keep the tank clean you have to get all the crap out of the gravel everyonce in a while.

mabe getting another yo yo loach would help.

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