You have pics? We wanna see them!

Oct 22, 2002
I think seeing other peoples aquarium setups is pretty cool! So I you have pictures of your aquarium(s), please post the pic or link!!!!

Include what ype of fish you have and decor.

Have Fun!!!
P.S I will post mine when I get my tank setup! ;D


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Visit site

Click my little house thingy beside of the e-mail profile thing at the bottom of this post. It will take you to my site, when your there click on TheFishAddict's Album 2 or TFA's Album 2(forgot what I named it LOL!) those are my fish/tank/dog/cat pics. Album 1 is my horse/scenery/etc. album. Hope ya like! ;D


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Visit site
LOL! Thanks!;D Ooooooo!!!!!!! That reminds me! Forgot to add text to those last 2 horsy pics!sorry, Oh well, the paint with the guy on it is my hubby and one of his paints(the guy has a love for black&white paints LOL!) The chestunt is another pic of RoyaltyDelux. This is interesting! I have met alot of horsey people on fish forums, something about fishkeeping and horses? LOL! So whats your fancy in the equine world? For me its big horses that go fast and jump high. LOL! 8) ;) :) :D

Oct 22, 2002
I snapped a pic of my tank last night.
Have a boo and tell me what you think.

The tank is 3 months old. Ive retied the riccia to the driftwood. But as soon as I can get some glossistigma & hairgrass, I'm going to plant the left side of the tank.

So far so good.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Nice tank spiff.  That's a pretty good job considering it has been up for only3 months.  
I tried the riccia tied down to driftwood too and those things can get ugly if infested with any hair algae.  Riccia requires a lot of maintenance IMO.
Oh BTW, how big is your tank and it's dimension?

Oct 22, 2002
It's the standard 66 gallon. 48"x16"x20".

yes I agree. The riccia does require a little care. I usually spend about an hour to an hour and a half a week just trimming everything to keep the balance in check. I've got 4 LFS looking for glossistigma for me. Since the Sept 11th disaster, things coming & going across the border have been very slow. Almost all the stores here are very low on stock and plants.

Things are starting to pick up. And hopefully everything will be as it was.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My tank:

It is a 12 G tank with 2 Honey Gourami's, 6 pristella, 3 Cories, 2 oto's, a lot of snails and a baby pufferfish to get rid of them :)

Oct 22, 2002
Looking good. I would do a little grassy plane of the sword plants you have on the left side of the tank. It almost looks like a salt water tank with the green plants, and white gravel.
Looks great though.


The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
ofcourse. doesn't seem to bother them at all. you have to remember that in the wild..their water quality isn't as clean or clear as your tanks. i just recently pulled all my plants out..and for a few couldn't see anything in the tank. but my fishes are fine.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
was that in your ram tank arcab? I'm replanting my angel tank, i've just bought some apisto borellii babies for it...they're supposed to be pretty prone to disease and stress but they're doing great! (i love them ;D) You just gotta be careful not to freak them out too badly...

Has ANYONE got some pics they can share with the rest of us?  :)

Here ya go....the 20 from these pics is now a 33....and the camera was a 35mm auto the quality is less than great:

I have no clue about the pleco....he does have blue eyes though, the wrong head shape for a true "blue-eyed" pleco. Trying to get a decent look at his dentition for use in IDing for the inhabitants....
Ok here goes:
1 12" pleco
2 aulonocara hansbaenchi (red shoulder)4"
1 adult male M johanni 4"
4 juvie M johannis 2-2.5"(2 sub males? 2 females)
2 labeochromis OB fuelleborni (1 blue, 1 cream/black speckled) 4" and 5"
2 labidochromis caerulus(yellow labs) 3-3.5"
1 Ps acei 5"
1 female PS crabro (bumblebee cichlid)4"
3 crabro fry 1-1.5"
1 ??? either redxred zebra OR fully mature male kennyi (leaning towards the latter..he rules the tank) 4.5"
1 ps OB zebra 3"
2 tiger barbs (dithers. originally were 7)
Filtration: 2x AC500s (sponge and biomax)
1 fluval 404 (cellpores, sponge,
carbon, biomax)
1 AC 301 powerhead with
quickfilter attachment filled
with biomax.



I just updated my yahoo album with 6 pics of my 90G planted that were taken yesterday. Just click on the house icon. Im still working on aquascaping it. The left side of the tank has yet to be completed to cover up the filter tube. All the sword plants in the foreground will also be taken out next week (swords just keep reproducing like crazy). Any suggestions to improve the tank? Thanks!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hey your tank looks 10x better.  I think I made the same mistake initially like you in the beginning with Sword plants.  I had too many of them growing on one side and it completely filled my 60 gallon.  The Amazons were nice but too many of them doesn't give the tank the depth that makes it pleasing to the eye.  
I saw some addition of vallisneria in the back and it does add some depth to the plants which is good.  You might want to consider something smaller as foreground plants such as microswords so it will be pleasing to the eyes.  That is going from small plants to big plants inthe background.  Keep up the good work.