You Know Your Anenome Is Healthy When.....


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I sware to you it came at me! LOL. I think what happened is that it hasnt been fed in a few days and it felt me over there and decided to see if I as edible. The thing thats funny is that you would think that I would have learned my lesson and fed the thing but I repeated the same thing 3 times!!! :rolleyes: As far as the size of the anenome its about 8 or so inches in diameter when fully opened. I got is a few months ago and it was only about 3-4 inches. Its grown very fast :D It was also a little bleached when I first got it and has been coloring up nicley. But I still cant decide whether its a blue or a green carpet. Anyone have a geuss???

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Green carpets are far more prevelant than blue ones. If it is a blue one they are fairly rare from what I hear. They can be mean little beggars too......consuming fish etc. They are the natural host for ocellaris and clarkiis just aren't picky so no suprise they are hosting in it. They pack a nice sting as you found out. I regularily get a nasty sting from my frogspawn that resembles a nasty case of poison ivy, itching like crazy and hives. I suppose this should reinforce why we should be wearing gloves eh?

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
If it was a true blue it would have been pretty expensive.

Funny, Ive never been stung by carpets (or any anemone), or euphyllia, even when I used to handle them when I worked at a lfs. My coworker there brushed his arm against something nasty in a tank, he cant remember what did it, and ended up with a rash kinda like yours, covering most of his forearm, its still kinda there and it happened half a year ago maybe.

Bet it feels good when you dip it in saltwater ;)