Your Funny Fish Moment


Small Fish
Aug 14, 2003
I read about junk food and how one fish needed a happy meal every week and I figured I want to hear what funny things have happened to people with their fish.

The other day, I was watching my tank and I noticed the fish picking at the rocks and plants for stuff to nibble on and I watched him go over to the Statue of Liberty figure in the tank, and go and "pick" at it. It looked like he stuck a kiss right on her face.

I died laughing! It was so cute.


Medium Fish
May 20, 2003
Denver, CO.
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When I first set up my 55g tank I had put in pretty much what I have currently over the course of aboot a month and a half. (see below) However I also had 2 Ghost Shrimp.
On a Sat. am. my wife noticed the little froggy munching on one of the shrimp. Not a fan of the circle of life she was little "EEWWish" and wondered how "Manson" (the name given to him that morning) could do that to our beloved shrimp.
I pointed out that if Red Lobster had a special on 5'6" shrimp with a nice garlic butter sauce she would reconsider. She did.
Since then the little murderous frog has disappeared. Not sure if I will replace him of not.
Kind of dark humor there. I hope that is ok.


Large Fish
Aug 17, 2003
I think the funniest for me would have to be my two little Gold Cichlids (Neolamprologus ocellatus)...

Both are about 1" long right now and are the little guys in the tank. Both of them pick up a single piece of my gravel and swim with it in their mouths, then they drop it in a different location. They proceed to pick up another piece of gravel and spit it out somewhere else in the tank. I gues they are rearranging my gravel.

Now when it comes time to eat it get more interesting. I feed a mix of flake and pellets. My Gold Cichlids will grab 2 or 3 pellets at a time and hold them in their mouths and swim around the tank for a bit. I am not sure if they are disolving the pellets in their mouths or what.

Both of the above are very entertaining to watch...


Small Fish
Aug 14, 2003
I noticed my goldfish gets rocks jammed in his mouth... maybe he's struggling to become a designer... and just wedges the darn things too far in his mouth lol

Apr 30, 2003
New Zealand
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my guppies always try to get everywhere that i dont want them too! I'm sure I have the dumbest guppies in the world! Once i put a square mesh net/barrier thing (4 sides no bottom or top) to seperate my female lemons from my males. Well all the fish except the guppies stayed away from but the guppies decided that it would be cool to swim around the sides of the net and get caught. a few i managed to get out but they went straight back there and got stuck again!! I lost a few guppies during that time and decided never to try that again


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
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My funniest moment happens every day. I have a dwarf puffer that get fed bloodworms and he grabs one end and sucks them up like people do with spagetti. When he is done with one, he goes and gets another.

lol My fry do that spagetti thing too!!Well, that's not my story so I'll ignore that for now.

If you look at my sig. you'll see that i have a CAE named Skiddles. He used to live in my 5G which has a sort of blue theme to it. One day, while I was at the petstore and freaking out about how to save the guppy fry I knew were coming, i saw an aisle of marble rocks, some of which were blue, and figured I'd toss them in the 5G so the babies would have somewhere to hide--it never happened. I used a breeder instead(figuring that the broods would be relatively small since my females aren't very big). Later on, however, I decided to put a few in there. From then on, I heard a very strange clanking noise when i turned off all the lights in my room and tried to get to sleep. I figured Diego(my betta) was digging in his marble rocks. Only later did I realize that all the marbles I had put in the 5G had been shoved into one corner of the tank! I finally figured out that Skiddles was taking after me and being a perfectionist by pushing all the marbles exactly where he wanted them. I told my cousin about this and, while cleaning the tank, she told me to put a few of the marbles in his home(my rock decor--you do all know that CAEs have to have a cave of their own right?). I did so and, maybe an hour or so late, when I was listening to music(don't ask me how I heard it but I did) I heard that familiar clanking noise. It was really weird 'cause it was in the middle of the day so I didn't expect him to 'fix my mess' just yet. Anyway, i walked over to the tank and saw that he was peeking out of his favorite hole with a marble sitting right in front of him. I laughed when i realized that it was one of the few I had put in his house and wished I could see him do it(nope, never saw it). Knowing he wouldn't continue while I was there, i began to return to what I was doing but, instead, tipoed slowly back to where I could see Skiddles. All of a sudden, he whipped out of his house and made a sharp turn when he got to the back of the tank, pushing(more like throwing) the marble up until he turned. I thought it was pretty cool myself, then again, I AM easily amused.

Might I add, that fish has fantastic aim. ;)

Last edited:
Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
my cories are funny. i have 4 of them. when they are schooling one will try to be the leader(even the smaller cory) and then sometimes the other will follow but sometimes they dont and the other one will try and the the same. its very funny