Most of the times folks visit MFT when there is a problem in their tank. At least that's how I found out about this site. The truely positive moments are rarely mentioned.
Think of a moment when you saw something really cool in your tank. Something that made you feel like it is all worthwhile. Something that helped you on a highly stressed-out day.
* Having the fish greet me, even if it's not feeding time.
* Watching them investigate a new rock formation ("cave" or plant
* Seeing them try to get at the stuff going up the gravel vacuum tube
* Watching them swim through the live plants - that makes me feel like I'm doing something right.
* When I hold the magnifying lens to the front, the gouramis have to be the center of attention. ... If I trying to look at something/someone else and I move the glass, they follow it so they stay the focal point. All 3 of the gouramis do this.
* Finding out the tiger barbs weren't sick,
they were having sex
I know, I live a small life - but it's a small tank.
Think of a moment when you saw something really cool in your tank. Something that made you feel like it is all worthwhile. Something that helped you on a highly stressed-out day.
* Having the fish greet me, even if it's not feeding time.
* Watching them investigate a new rock formation ("cave" or plant
* Seeing them try to get at the stuff going up the gravel vacuum tube
* Watching them swim through the live plants - that makes me feel like I'm doing something right.
* When I hold the magnifying lens to the front, the gouramis have to be the center of attention. ... If I trying to look at something/someone else and I move the glass, they follow it so they stay the focal point. All 3 of the gouramis do this.
* Finding out the tiger barbs weren't sick,
they were having sex
I know, I live a small life - but it's a small tank.