your oppinion of my tank

Oct 22, 2002
hi well i was just wandering if all u people thought there was anything wrong with my tank

i have a 55 gallon with plants and rocks the fish i have are
5 sword tails
2 mollies
2 angel fish
2 bala sharks
2 clown loaches
2 kuhli loaches
3 african butterfly cichlids
1 albino rainow shark
1 algae eater
i was just wondering if there is anything that i should change or anything that i should know about the fish or if they should not be put together
thanx cya


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
Well, the mollies and swords want slighty brackish (the mollies more so than the swords) but the loaches and angels won't do well with much salt.

IMO 55 is too small for Clowns (most people disagree with me though), but it's definitely too small for Balas. Balas are schooling fish that grow to over a foot. 2 isn't enough, 5 is the _bare_  minimum and 5 very active, very large fish is a 55 isn't going to work.


Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It can be done with balas..but honestly...I wouldn't get mine again..they are too big...and too scitsy.

What algae eater is that? If it is Chinese..dont bother. If it is an will need more. Pleco..I would go with a bristlenose or something that stays smaller..or plan on trading it in eventually.

Mollies like Josh said..should be in brackish. It helps fight off the disease they can get much easier in normal water.

Rainbow sharks can get 5 or 6 inches..and can also be mean and territorial.

Dont have too much current with those Angels.....I just read that somewhere ;)

The african butterfly fish i thought were solo fish....who I could see not getting along with the mollies and platys near the top