Your thoughts on this


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Just something I am thinking about. I can't because of space issues have a fish room so if I were to get a larger tank it will have to set in the same place my 125g is at. I am looking to get either a 5 or 6 foot long tank either 30 or 36 inches wide. I was thinking about using my 125g tank as my sump. It has one hole drilled in the bottom left corner inside my over flow box that would have to be plugged. Here is the real question, lol. Because of space issues I really don't have room for a frag tank that I would like to have, that space is taken by a quarantine tank that I want to keep. Soooo what I was thinkin was, plug the hole in the 125g, put a divider in the 125g tank and use one side for the sump and make the other side of the 125g a frag tank. I would put a MH light over the frag tank and run that light at night when the lights in the DT are off. The section of the 125g that would be a frag tank would only be 2 foot long. I could drain the over flow from the new DT down into the frag tank and then ( haven't thought this out yet) have an overflow from the frag tank into the sump part of the set up run the water thru the skimmer and then pump it bck into the DT. I could just use two tanks, one for the sump and the frag tank under my stand, I just thought this might be an eisier plumbing job if they were both in my 125g tank. Like I said, this idea is just a thought. I wish I had been in this hobby before we built the new house and I could have built a fish room at that time, lol.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Actually it isn't at all. Just plan things carefully is all. The 125 is the same length as the new display correct? just make sure you have room for everything.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
im actually doing this on my new build! basically instead of a fuge im doing a frag tank... i may put a piece of eggcrate up and keep a little cheato... i was thinking about lighting it with T5 but i supose its going to be lit by what ever light i can find used and cheap :D whether MH or T5


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The new tank will be 6ft long, but I can make the stand 7ft long. Its not going to work though, I would have to keep all my live stock and LR in holding tanks while they made my 125g into a sump. It would be easier to just use a 75g for a sump. What I am thinkin about doing is, the new tank 6ft long, the stand 7ft, have the tank sit all the way on the edge of the stand (the tank will only be seen from two sides, front and one side) the side of the tank that can be seen will be all the way on the edge of the stand. On the other end of the stand, make the stand come up the side of the tank you can't see like a cabnet. The reason for this will be so that my new taller skimmer can sit in the sump on that end of the tank stand and come up into the cabnet a bit and this will allow me to keep the stand as short as I can so that I can reach into the tank a bit easier, and put a shelf above the top of the skimmer for a bit of cabnet space to store a few odds and ends.

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
with a 6' tank i wouldnt go any longer than 4' as far as the sump... as far as building the stand all the weight is going to be distributed on the 4 corners so be carful how much bigger you make the stand than the tank