"You've got Fish!" Tank Plea!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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OK, I am sick, I know it.

Today, during a visit to a local betta breeder to pick-up some fry microworm food starter culture, the breeder offered me some free fish, namely some guppies she adopted.

I said I might want some a little later for my 10 gal... but she was already fishing them out of the tank and bagging them! Anyway, to make a long story short... I am the proud owner of 7 juvenile guppies (males and females) and 1 cinamon dwarf gourami!

I put the guppies in my 5gal quarantine tank for now, and I put the gourami in a 3gal divided tank with Riker.

I am in serious need of at least two more 3 to 5 gallon tanks.

If anyone in the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada region has tanks available in anything from a 2 to 6 gallon size, I could sure use a few donations.

If not, I might still try a few more Garage sales before the snow flies (its Canada you know!)


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Is there a canadian equiv of walmart for 10 or 15 gallon starter kits? Dollars per gallon all those small tanks work out pricey though obviously with bettas you don't have much choice


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Yes, my local Walmarts carry 10 and 20 and 29 and 55 gal kits, plus 2 gal hex, 1 gal tank and bowls of course.

I am hoping I will have some luck with the bargain finder. Sometimes people expect too much for their system, other times you can find a good deal.

There may be a few garage sales this weekend also. I might try to sneak out of the house tomorrow and see if I can't dig up another 5gal tank again.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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After scouring the bargain finder ads and visiting the last of this seasons local garage sales, I gave up and bought my very first new tank.

I was looking for a good deal on 2 to 5 gallon tanks, preferring a 3gal system. Well, my best 2gal price was $20.00 with no light, no gravel and no feeder slot. Most of the 3gal were $40.00 with only UGF and no gravel. The 5gal acrylics were at least $60.00, and if I wanted a power filter make it $80.00

So, right now, with about 200 fry underway, and not a lot of spending cash, I went to Walmart and picked up a 1gal acrylic petite tank with UGF, gravel, 2 plants, light, hood, cover, and airpump for under $20.00. Sure, its a bit small, but it is fine for a small betta.

My idea is to sell these pre-made kits with my new betta fry once they get old enough. So, for anyone in the Edmonton area, you can get a 1gal complete tank and hand-raised betta for only $25.00 starting April 2004.