YoYo Loaches

Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
Can anyone with YoYo Loaches tell me where they bought them, and if possible, for how much? I looked online, and they were about $3.25, but shipping was something like $24.00.

Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
Only problem with the really most LFS is that it's like.. 17 miles from here. It's a bit of a drive. Will they be delivered to the store, and then available for pickup? Will it cost me money to have them ordered specially?

If the vendor sells that kind of fish then i think the whole shipping price is the same still so usualy lfs's just help out their customers order them from the vendor so they dont have to pay shipping and when it comes you can pick it up there and pay them i guess. But not all lfs's offer that kind of service so i'd call them before you drive that far :).


Medium Fish
Jun 8, 2005
Southern Maryland
I didn't have an easy time finding my loaches, and I live on the edge of Washington DC. ^^;; For what cool, easy fish they are, they sure don't seem very popular.

I ended up getting them at $8 a piece, which was really more than I had to spend on them. You might want to see if there is another, not-so-L, FS in your area, call 'em up, and just pick up the loaches next time you are over that way right before heading home.


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Central NY, USA
I found mine in a LFS at $5 each. I'd been watching for them for awhile but didn't buy them until a week later; I don't remember why now...... Short on money or another fish caught my attention I guess. I thought about them for the whole week & believe I got the last 3 when I went back.

I frequent many LFS (& sometimes not so local) & store fish sections, always looking.


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Central NY, USA
Maybe ask your LFS if they ever do have them & to give you a call when they do. This happened to me b4, I asked if they ever got black ruby barbs in & they said sometimes & took my name and #. I thought they forgot about me but called me a couple of months later! If you don't have to have them right NOW that is.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
You can always call around to stores before you go, to see if they have them in stock. Loaches tend to be available somewhat seasonally, with the most available between October and March. Pestering your store is a good idea, i.e. asking them every time you go in when they will have them. I think we paid about $3 when we bought them a few years ago.

Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
Hmm, alright. So I can expect to pay anywhere from $3.00 to $10.00? Lol.. I guess I should start calling around. Does anyone know if the pet stores like to cycle their stock around, like having a type of fish there, but not out on display? Maybe they do have them, and just aren't out on display yet. Has anyone with the Loaches had any problems with them? Eating/Sleeping/Hiding/Community problems?

Mar 24, 2004
gainesville, fl
haven't seen them in petsmart or petco around here much. they had them at petsmart once or twice but not regularly, and while that's a well-maintained store that i've bought from before, i wouldn't buy them from petco in gainesville even if they did have them, it's the most disgusting fish section i've ever seen at any store! the local store i frequent usually has them but they're about $5-6 a pop there. when i lived up north, i saw them much more often for $2-3 each or so. i'm sure somewhere near you will have them, but if they aren't fairly common in your area, i'd think it's more likely they are closer to $5+ than $2-3.

Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
Well, I've been to 3 PetsMart's and 2 PetCo's already, and none of them carry the Loaches. I guess I could hit up that store from here, but everyone's gotta remember that I live in the middle of a desert, so there's not that many fish stores around. -.-* Someone has yet to answer my questions about any problems with the Loaches, (Feeding/Hiding/Community/etc.).. Any information on personal experience would be greatly appreciated.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I've had a few "issues" with yoyos. First, make sure your tank is well secured and that there are no small pipes or intakes that the yoyos can get stuck in. I had a yoyo go up the intake of a powerhead and get himself stuck. Make sure you get a group of no less than three. Make sure there are at least two cave structures in your tank, more if it's a larger tank. Don't think about any mystery or apple snails as tankmates, they'll get nipped to death, even if they're too big to eat. Yoyos will probably eat any shrimp you try to keep in the tank. Other than that, I haven't had any problems with them and community fish.

They love bloodworms and brine shrimp (frozen or fresh). They'll also eat zucchini/courgette or cucumber slices. They like shrimp pellets, too.

Jul 2, 2004
Winnipeg, Mb. Canada
Visit site
My advice, be patient and keep checking at LFS and don't order online. I had a heck of a time finding kuhli loaches. Nobody seemed to have them. I was just about ready to give up and order them online when lo and behold some showed up at a LFS. It took me 2 years to find them but now 3 of the little buggers and home in my tank. The total price paid was 12.00 CDN. That's a lot better then the 29.00 USD I was going to pay!


Medium Fish
Jun 8, 2005
Southern Maryland
Yoyos are great little fish. They are active and interesting, "pook" wonderfully, and have pretty patterns. As far as compatability, they go with just about anything that won't eat them, other than snails and shrimp. They like to escape, though, so make sure the tank is very secure. There would be no intake valves that are even CLOSE to loach-sized. And your tank should be completely covered, all the time (when not feeding or cleaning).

I have two, and while I feel a little sorry for the non-dominant one, I don't think that more are strictly necessary. I probably would get a third if I had a larger tank, though.

They make noise. Mine dig in the gravel, and try to jump out, both of which make lots of noise at night. They also can click, I think it is by forcing air out of their swimbladders through their ears? Mine haven't clicked since the first night, though. :(

Right now, the dominant one is sitting on a leaf of my plant, looking very cute. :D

Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
So, if I'm correct, are almost all Loaches like, in need of a buddy to swim around/play with, and aren't very content being by themselves? Can I slip by with two, or is it like, a MUST to have three? I'm not sure my bioload can handle three, but, I guess I can figure something out, right?


Medium Fish
Jun 8, 2005
Southern Maryland
As I said, I have two, and while I think I'd prefer to have three, my two get along fine. I just think that the smaller one gets beat up a little more than he would if there was another fish. But he's still doing great. He's just a little more faded than the big one.

I think that mine are happy, even though I only have two. They like to fight for the spot in the fake grecian jar, which is the prefered cave apparently.