Yoyo/Pictus sensitivities


Superstar Fish
I just stocked my 29 after doing a fishless cycle:)

I got:

1 large angel fish
1 pictus
1 yoyo loach (might get another and move out the rainbow fish)
2 rainbow fish
1 butterfly fish

*I might get one more rainbow fish...and then when the three are grown out, move them to the 55*:)

I got the two rainbow fish at ichco... oops, I mean Petco:rolleyes: Sure enough, they each have one small spot of ich.

My qtine tanks are tied up because I'm redoing the 55, so moving the pictus/yoyo out isn't really an option:(

I know that the pictus and the loach are sensitive to most medications...and I really don't want to lose them to ich or a medication. (I don't think the butterfly fish has any specific sensitivities.)

What would you suggest for treating the whole tank? Stick to malachite green/methylene blue or use a copperbased med ( I've had great succes with Coppersafe)? And of those, use at half dose, or full? Any other suggestions from those of you with loaches/pictus?

Thanks for taking the time to read all that, guys and gals;)


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2003
Aurora, IL
many people have said that aquarium salt and warmer tank temperature will get rid of ich. that and feeding garlic to the fish also....

never tried this myself, but more than few people have made this suggestion before....


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
arciflavine green works good.i have seen a whole tank of what i thought was doomed clown loaches,saved from ich by arcifalvine green i may have spelled the name wrong,buy you will know the stuff if you see it.it's neon green looks like anti-freeze.


Superstar Fish

I don't think I want to go the salt route with the loach...If anything I'd suck it up and hope a med would be more effective.

Acriflavine green, huh? I have Ich Guard by Jungle that has "victoria green, nitromersol, acriflavine" which I am assuming is what you mean. Think I should use this? It looks much more like methylene blue though.

It says not to use on scaless fish, though. Should I get the Ich Guard II (for scaless fish) or should I just dose this at half strength?

Or, should I look for something that is more purely acriflavine?

Tons of questions, I know:(


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Dunno... Putting any meds in a tank with a pictus cat doesn't seem to me to be overly smart... As a scaleless fish - the general recommendation is 1/2 dosage, but that might not be enough to cure the rainbows.

I don't think they take to salt well either.

You COULD raise the temperature - increasing the lifecycle of the ich, and just do lots of w/c while gravel vacuuming.

I know I'm not helping - Do a google/msn/whatever search on pictus cat and ich - you'll get hundreds of hits.



Superstar Fish
Yah, I know. I was just wondering if there were any meds that they were less sensitive to. Such as the acriflavine green. I think I might have to try that route.

Or, ill have to work something out so i can move the pictus and yoyo out and treat the other tank with coppersafe and treat less aggressively on the yoyo/pictus.