Zebra Danio And Glofish tankmates

Jun 6, 2007
Cedar City, Utah
A few weeks ago I picked up some Zebra Danios and some Glofish (GloFish® Welcome) and came home yesterday to notice that my Neon Tetras seem to be dwindling down to fewer and fewer numbers along with the Guppies(they where all in a 55 gallon tank). When I did the research before I bought the Zebra's and Glofish I thought I understood that they were a good community fish. So as of now I have moved both the Zebra Danio And Glofish in to my 29 gallon fish tank with my 4 angel fish. does anyone know if my zebra's will harm my angels?

Thanks for any help

Also I've been running different sized fish tanks for 8 + years, I'm just a beginner with the Zebra's

as of right now I have 3 fish tanks running 2 55 gallons and one 29 gallon.
I've downsized at one point I had 11 tanks running. lol I'm a freak.*thumbsups


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Neons are very weak fish and can die off very easily if anything goes amiss with the water quality or any sickness. Zebras are bred in mass quantities and could be harboring illnesses. It's always best to quarantine before adding to your tank. Another thing to look at is whether the new addition of fish has risen your ammonia levels (this depends on how many fish you added at once). Zebras are pretty decent community fish, but only in tanks with inhabitants fast enough to stand their constant energy. They do like to play "tag" with their own, so you should always keep around 6 or more at once to minimize them trying to tag other tank mates. They should be fine with the angels, but keep an eye on ammonia levels and make sure they are just playing amongst themselves.

Jun 6, 2007
Cedar City, Utah
Sadly something did come with my fish and I had to go out of town, so to answer the questions I don't have room for a quarantine tank so I skipped that. so that resulted in me getting a little more than I asked for when I got my zebras. I do keep my water and the pet stores water seprate! but thanks so much for the responses!