Zebra danio seems sick, please help!

Aug 4, 2011
I bought myself some fish three or four months back, a platy and 4 danios to start with. I recently bought another platy and two zebra danios and switched to a bigger tank about a week ago (19litre) although it does not have a heater as I was assured they were temperate fish. I have had the new platy and two zebra danios for about two weeks now and I noticed today that one of the danios was dead and stuck to the filter. I removed the dead fish and did a water change. However, the other zebra danio seems a bit listless and looks as if his scales are slighty raised, or that there is a translucent coating on them. The other fish all seem fine. Does anyone know if this is a problem and if I should remove the other zebra danio? Thanks


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
It is possible you got some danios that already had a problem. I put four in a tank that had been stable for probably 8 months and I had always heard danios were hardy, active fish. Mine weren't and there is only one left. If your remaining danio appears sick, removing him to another container would be a good idea. Just make sure the temp is the same when you do the moving. A tupperware type clean container will work or anything that is clean and holds over a gallon of water.

Feb 27, 2009
switched to a bigger tank about a week ago (19litre)
8 fish in that sized tank would likely be overstocked. When you switched to the current tank, did you use the same gravel and filter?

it does not have a heater as I was assured they were temperate fish.
I'm not sure what is meant by 'temperate fish' but the platies are a tropical fish and should be kept from 72-78 degrees. The danios can live in cooler water but still be ok in the same range as the platies. What temperature are they being kept at with no heater (daytime and nightime reading)? Consistant temperatures are important to fish.

The fish seems to be showing signs of dropsy and although not always fatal, is difficult to cure.

What are your current readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

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Aug 4, 2011
Oh dear :( I didn't think that they would be overstocked. I definitely won't get anymore then. The fish shop I bought them from said that the platys and the danios would be okay in a non-heated environment, calling them 'temperate' fish. However, there is a light on the tank which warms the water and they are kept in a warm room (my bedroom, it's a loft extension, meaning its permanantly stuffy!). I am looking at buying heaters now after your advice though. Is there any make for relatively cheap that you would recommend? To be honest, I don't measure the temperature of the water as I was told it wasn't overly necessary for temperate fish. Starting to regret going to that fish shop now! I have removed the danio into his own tank, using the same aquarium water. He also seems to have developed two small red lisions under his scales and the other fish were bullying him :( I think I might just go back to the fish shop tomorrow and ask their opinions? It could be that there was something wrong with the zebra danios, as all the other fish seem fine. Also, with dropsy, what kind of thing could I buy to help my fish recover?Thanks for all your advice so far.