Zebra Danios won't dive

May 15, 2006
Central Maine
Saturday the 20th I put two zebra danios in my tank, as stocked in my sig. I acclimated them slowly, hanging the bag, then slowly adding tank water. Took a good hour before release. Immediately upon release, one danio immediately swam to the bank of the tank and hid behind a plant that reaches the surface, and the other just sort of mills around him.

And that's where they stay! At feeding time they will come out, dart around like madmen between the other fish to get their share of flakes, then go back where they were. They won't dive for any sinking food, in fact they haven't left the surface at all. They literally hug the surface, dorsal fins practically almost breaking the top. The less shy danio might dive an inch to snag food, but that's it. The other one just hangs out behind the plant unless it's feeding time.

Is this normal adjustment? None of my other fish did this when introduced. All my parameters are good and pH is stable around 6.7. My temp is a little high, 83 or so, that's for my mollies.

I hope they will come out of it and explore the tank soon, otherwise a pretty useless addition!


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
There are a few reasons they may be acting this way. Danios (also rosy barbs and some plecos) prefer cooler water and also oxygenated water, and the surface should be the best place for them to meet their needs. They also are surface dwellers and don't usually tend to go particularly deep. Since you only have two and they are schooling fish, they may feel safer up high, especially with the other fish in your sig, all of whom might intimidate or even pester them.


Large Fish
Nov 27, 2005
New Jersey
I have 13 Zebra Danios. Keeping just 2 is not a good idea. If you added more they would feel more safe and comfortable. They're top dwellers. Mine used to hang up at the top but now they swim all over the tank. Zebra Danios are a very lively fish. My tank would be boring without them. You have to keep at least 5 or 6 of them together in order for them to feel confident enough to come out of hiding.