Zebra Plecos


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
If all goes well, I shall be getting 2 or 3 Zebra Plecos from a breeder in Pittsburgh in late January. :D
I was wondering if any of you here had some advice on tank set up things.
For one thing, I'll need to get a heater, and I need some suggestions on which one is best. (I'll be using my 20 gallon tank) Whenever I mention the word 'heater' and 'pleco' in the same sentence, my dad gets worried that the plecs will suck on the heater and fry themselves. Is that just an urban legend or a real concern?
I also need a suggestion on a filter that will give me a nice strong water flow. (Preferrably a rather silent filter so I can sleep at night!) I'm using a Whisper 20i right now, but I don't think that the water flow from that is strong enough.
Any other suggestions/advice will be greatly appreciated :) Thanks!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
If you want to use that filter, you can just add a powerhead for extra water flow. I'm pretty sure that plecos have enough sense not to suck on a heater, people have them in heated tanks all the time and I've never heard of a pleco sucking the heater. I have heard of them (and some other fish) wedging themselves behind a heater and burning themselves, though. You don't have heaters in your other tanks?

Are you going to try breeding the zebras?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Ugh! You do need to let me know who this breeder is. :p

I'm lined up to get some to at a decent price. $175 each but the breeder will only sell them in groups of 6. *ouch* That is a good number for a breeding program, but as they are all F1s from wild, I would want to start my stock out with 2 different blood lines.

If your just trying to keep them to enjoy them then your filter is fine. If you want to breed them, then you will need more flow. IMO a powerhead is better suited for this job because you can position it to provide the flow right at the caves, where with the filter you are very limited. I've never bred or had these guys, but in my other hypancistrus tanks 20Ls a 150 GPH power head is showing promising results. But I would imagine what your getting would be the common 1 1/2 to 2 inch fry. In that case it's going to be about 1 1/2 to 2 yrs before they are ready to spawn.

Naa don't worry about the heater. Never have I seen what you are talking about, and I would imagine it is very rare if it ever happens. Heaters normally don't have algae growing on them (my guess is it's too hot) and being meat eaters they could care less about algae to begin with.


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
I suppose I'll be getting a powerhead then ;) Any suggestions on a good one?
I don't use heaters, since my 20 has a hood on it and it usually fairly warm, but I've planning on getting one for my 40.

The zebs I'm getting are only going to be about an inch long, and probably about 3 years from breeding maturity. (I guess they'll be coming to college with me ;)) But the reason I'm trying to get 3 is to increase my chances of getting both genders. So, yeah, I'm hoping to breed them in the future :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Ah, good point about the heaters Pure... I suppose they wouldn't want the algae, eh?
The breeder is up in Pittsburgh, and he's selling them for $150 each. He's trying to sell them in pairs in hopes of them breeding. My mom was kind (and crazy) enough to get me a trip up there to pick them up as an early birthday present. Works for me! ;)
If Jacksonville wasn't so far away from me, I'd pick up some for you... and sadly the seller refuses to ship them.
I'll check out that powerhead too. Thanks for the suggestions. :)


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Zebras like it hot, a heater is a must, 84-86 at least. Some people I know keep them around 89.

I just use cheap powerheads, as this is not a critical device for the fish to live. So they won't die if it fails.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
You might want to check in the SW forum about powerheads... although the Seios seem to be a very good. They have a broad output to make a wider flow, so it isn't a really strong current in one line, with not much current elsewhere.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
hmmm PA huh? Getting them without shipping wouldn't be an issue. :p I know people literally everywhere. :D But you get them first and let me know how good they are.

As a matter of a fact, I will be up in that neck of the woods come the 26th of this month. Bout 4 hrs from there.

LiL tip when flying with live fish. Ask the security screener to hand check your bag. It takes a little longer to get through security but well worth it. Do not let them take those fish through the xray machine. I once flew with a bag of blue rams and the Xray killed them.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
I recommend an Ebo-Jager heater. You can buy them from online stores if your local stores don't carry them. They are the best around.

If not an Ebo, a marineland visitherm would work. I use those in all my tanks. Only had problem with a 250 watt not heating up high enough, and the company sent me another one free of charge and shipping.

Zebra plecos are beautiful. Good luck with them!


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
Well, you'll want to go up a level or two in watts to keep the temp that high, unless they'll be in an especially warm room.

Just found this neat little chart for calculating the wattage... http://freshaquarium.about.com/cs/tipsandtables/l/blheatersize.htm

For my 55 gallon, I use two marineland visitherms to keep the heat at a steady 83-84 degrees. The heaters are 300 watts each, I think.