If all goes well, I shall be getting 2 or 3 Zebra Plecos from a breeder in Pittsburgh in late January.
I was wondering if any of you here had some advice on tank set up things.
For one thing, I'll need to get a heater, and I need some suggestions on which one is best. (I'll be using my 20 gallon tank) Whenever I mention the word 'heater' and 'pleco' in the same sentence, my dad gets worried that the plecs will suck on the heater and fry themselves. Is that just an urban legend or a real concern?
I also need a suggestion on a filter that will give me a nice strong water flow. (Preferrably a rather silent filter so I can sleep at night!) I'm using a Whisper 20i right now, but I don't think that the water flow from that is strong enough.
Any other suggestions/advice will be greatly appreciated Thanks!
I was wondering if any of you here had some advice on tank set up things.
For one thing, I'll need to get a heater, and I need some suggestions on which one is best. (I'll be using my 20 gallon tank) Whenever I mention the word 'heater' and 'pleco' in the same sentence, my dad gets worried that the plecs will suck on the heater and fry themselves. Is that just an urban legend or a real concern?
I also need a suggestion on a filter that will give me a nice strong water flow. (Preferrably a rather silent filter so I can sleep at night!) I'm using a Whisper 20i right now, but I don't think that the water flow from that is strong enough.
Any other suggestions/advice will be greatly appreciated Thanks!