Zebrafish looks strange

Mar 16, 2011
Hi there, my husband loves fish and recently got a tank from a friend of his, in this tank we have 2 black widows, several assorted platys, a placostamus, albino sucker fish, 2 barbs and a zebrafish. anyway, with the platys giving birth and all of that he bought a second tank for the mommy fish to have the babies in. once he had the tank running for a few days he put the zebra in it to regulate the water or something like that. anyway the zebra was fine in that tank, though he did look a little fat, we just assumed that was from eating too much, but about a week after putting him back in the big tank he's gone strange. His stomach is really swollen and his back which was streamline and straight has now gone skew. I dont know what is wrong with him or what to do bout it. can anyone help.:confused:


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Are you sure it's a male?? It sounds like you got a young female that's starting to take her normal shape. She's probably filling up with eggs, which she will do so for the rest of her life. If there's no male to fertalize the eggs, she will just drop them and the other fish will eat them. That's kinda what happened to a few of my Neon Tetras. Now, by their body shape and size, I can determine that I have 1 male and 4 female Neons.

Mar 16, 2011
male or female

:eek:To be honest i'm not sure, guess i just looked at the fish as a male always. But the thing that bothers me is that the fishs back is crooked... the spine is zigzagging. going down in the front.not gradually, but sharply. perhaps there is nothing wrong with the fishy, maybe the he is a she, i'll watch the fish for a little while and see what happens. hopefully my zebrafish is just a healthy egg bearing female, i'll get her a boyfriend then*laughingc

thanks Kiara..


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Why didn't you mention this in the first place!? That's the most important info!! But I agree with OC. Here's some pictures and a link.

Normal Zebra Danio (Zebrafish)

Fish With TB

Here's a link about TB:
Fish Tuberculosis

You may just want to euthinize your fish. It's less painful to them and helps prevent other fish from catching the disease. You might want to consider a higher quality food, since TB can be avoided/prevented if your fish have a high quality food that has a different range of nutrition that they eat. Always remember, variety and nutrition is the key to having a well fed fish and for it to have a greater immune system.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Sorry. When I said "You should have mentioned that earlier," I mean't that you should have added more detail. I didn't catch the skew part. Plus, Zebra Danios should be kept in groups of 6 or more for them to display normal shoal behavior. Also, don't touch the fish with your hands. You can get leisons on them and doctors won't know what they are and put you on regular antibiotics, which don't kill the TB.

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Mar 16, 2011
:( this is bad news. Yeah he kinda looks like the fish in the pictures, i guess that means he has fish TB. How heartbreaking, guess we will have to eusthinaze him. Hubby has only touched the fish lightly through the net transferring it between tanks - should i be concerned about this? Does the water get infected? The other fish are not showing any signs, but i'll keep a close eye on them.
thank you both OrangeCones & Kiara.