Zoa Help..

So I joined in a "Don't Break the Chain" trade on another site and got two VERY SMALL frags shipped to me. I think both are dead, but one might have a chance. Can Zoas lose their heads but still have healthy stalks and grow back? The reason I ask is because it looks like the stalks are alive, but I can see in them and there is nothing down there! What gives? I tried to take a pic but they are too small.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
I don't know about specifically losing a head and it looking empty inside, but I do know that if there are any little bits of the stalk, even too small to see, attached they can recover and spread (no guarantee that they will). I had this happen with a clump of zoanthids I gave away; the entire clump appeared to be removed (as planned - this was before the move) and then, low and behold, about 3 months later I saw one little zoanthid growing in the same general area...then two...now 50ish.