zoa's 75 gallon build


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Well im going to get the tank next week but I have some pics I can share now. Like I said before, this tank won't be set up till I get out of school in 15 months so this will be a long thread.. Im going to be asking alot of questions on equipment that ive never used before/new equipment! Im doing this tank right this time unlike the tanks that ive just threw together in the past! Well heres some pic's of the tank!
Here's the overflow ( This looks weird to me, does it look correct to anyone else? Ive never had a overflow before but thought it was supposed to sit on the back side of the tank not the top?)

Back side of the tank (im going to be drilling 1 more 1" hole on the back middle and put a elbow with a shut off valve for easy water changes/draining the tank)


Hopefully the pictures arn't to small! I have to get the dimentions of the sump so I can figure out what size/kind of skimmer I can fit into there!


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
The back side sounds like an awesome idea! :D I like reading all you guys' set up's so I can learn about the equipment you are running, etc. It's easy to see you're going to put a LOT of time and love into this tank!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i cant really see the pics they are waaaay too small lol but ill be following your thread! :D on the water change idea i wouldnt do it in the display but rather the sump so nothing gets disturbed in ther.... ive got it so when the water level rises to a certain level in my sump the water drains outside my house... that way when i pump new clean water in the tank the old water overflows and drains outside so water changes are nothing more than throwing a few scoops of salt into my brute container and a day later turning a few valves and waiting about 5 mins than close the 2 valves back up period thats it! piece of cake, dont know why i didnt do this years ago


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
My eyes aren't worth squat either, but I will be tagging along also. Congrats to you. Just don't drill this one, LOL Just messing with you.


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
See if these are better!
P1030734.jpg picture by pgolnick - Photobucket
P1030755.jpg picture by pgolnick - Photobucket
P1030764.jpg picture by pgolnick - Photobucket

I don't think if I put the 'drain' on the bottom it would disturb stuff but putting it in the sump might work? What if my water level isn't that high in there how would it drain? Plus if it's in the sump I don't think I could get a bucket or anything down there? I could always drill a 1" hole in my floor and put a water change line down to the outside of the house lol.. Im sure my wife wouldn't mind

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
and on the water change thing i say do it in the sump that way the water level always stays the same in the display and doesnt stress out the fish or bother corals ect. by having it in the sump all you have to do is have the drain hole higher than your normal water level and when you pump the new salt water into the display the water level in the sump will raise and drain... ive got it so the old water drains outside automatically when the new water is pumped in
btw if you do it this way there will be no need to get buckets down there! :p

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