Zombie plecostomus?


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I have a common plecostomus that pulled an unusual stunt this morning. A little background. I keep floating plants (hornwort) in the tank with the plecostomus. I have noticed that it swims up into the plants at night and grazes on the algae growing there. It also feeds on the plants as I find bare stems from time to time.
This morning I found it lying still on its back with its fins erected and a big chunk of algae in its mouth. This has not happened before. I approached the tank and it did not move, I thought it was dead. I raised the lid on the hood and touched it with an aquarium tool. It moved and swam around a bit. It then tried to hang on the glass, but the wad of algae seemed to make that difficult. I did a water change just in case, but it was not due. A few minutes later I heard the plecostomus banging around in the tank briefly.
It now seems fine and is doing the normal hang on the glass all day routine. The algae chunk is gone (perhaps swallowed- perhaps spit out). I suppose it nearly choked on the stuff. This is a new to me trick.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
You ever eat too much and feel like a beached whale and don't want to move? Yeah, that sounds like what happened.

I've seen a few fish do the "pseudo-dead" thing before. Loaches are really good at it. I saw a couple of super stressed oscars do that (They were brought into the store in a bag so small they couldn't turn around.) So yeah, they do that sometimes.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; The overeating idea is likely. The fish is fine today. It was up grazing in the algae again last night. I have had clown loaches do something similar and learned to pay it no mind. I adopted the fish from some neighbors who lost their house last summer. I had not kept them because they eventually get so big. This is the first sign of "personality" witnessed thus far.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; As a follow up the pleco is still doing well. It eats the food I give it and still grazes on the algae and live plants. It has proven to be much more maneuverable than I would have previously guessed.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
eh I have never seen this, but mine hang upside down from caves all darn day. I would suggest taking a piece of slate and tilting one side up on a smallish rock to make a pseudo cave for him. They like that.

If you want him to stop eating your plants, take a slice of white potato and tie it to a small rock or decoration with a rubberband. He will eat that instead.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; Thanks for the suggestion. I do not mind that it eats the hornwort, it tends to overgrow my tanks anyway. I used to take two gallon bags of it to a local fish shop before I moved last year. Now the excess is placed in the pleco tank.