![]() The Gold Twin Bar Platy is an awesome addition to your fish tank! We’re updating this profile so check back again but in the meantime, if you have any questions, please ask in our forum! Click here to start asking your question! |
Home » Freshwater Fish » Platies » Gold Twin Bar Platy ![]() The Gold Twin Bar Platy is an awesome addition to your fish tank! We’re updating this profile so check back again but in the meantime, if you have any questions, please ask in our forum! Click here to start asking your question! |
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These type of platys are so beautiful! I currently have one male and one female in a 20 gallon tank housed with two guppys and an albino cory. They readily breed and I have about 35 babies now! They are very hardy and peaceful fish; I would recommend these little guys to anyone! One thing to watch out for is their breeding. If you don’t want any more fish, you shouldn’t mix genders! This is also true when housing platys and swordtails together; they can breed, causing a “wagtail” variation.
i enjoy platys and have several varieties in my 58gal tank. my twin bar (was not sure of sex) seemed awfully lonely, so i decided to add two, so they can hang together. unfortunately, the two i purchased turned out to be a ‘couple’, and the male immediately began nipping my guy. they ran circles, chasing each other’s tails, they almost looked more like my clown loaches during early morning hours! anyway, my incumbent ended up much worse for the wear, his tail has been split and he is just plain fearful and is in hiding. i’ve also noticed that my young guppy is also picking on my guy! i miss his normally sweet friendly personality, always coming to the front of the tank to greet me. i regret deciding that he needed buddies. i’ve since separated the bully, in hopes that the my guy will develop a territory. i cannot keep the new male segregated in the fry container, so what can i do to ease him back into the community without further bullying? i thought i’d purchase several females, but don’t want to compound my guy’s problem. any suggestions? i love platys, and will continue having them, cognizant that they each need to be safe & loved. very easy to care for, and each of mine are friendly to me!
you should try redecorasting your tank and do a water change and the bully fish will think hes going into a whole new tank and may be a little less confident