a cool feature of this blog is that it allows you to interact with whatever I write about. There is a comment link (says “No Comment” for the example below that you can click on and leave a comment. Here’s a visual aid in case you can’t see it.
now this isn’t your ordinary basic commenting system. what we have here a brand-spankin’ new commenting system. Normally when you leave a comment, it just gets inserted in the order they were made. So if you were trying to respond to a comment in comment spot #2 and your comment response is in slot #120, who’s going to know what you’re talking about by the time they scroll down to your comment?
soooooo, if you look at the visual aid below, you’ll notice next to each comment there is a link that says “reply to this comment”. This will insert your comment right below so we’ll have a coherent commenting section.
so hopefully you guys know you can leave comments to me or to each other (but keep it nice!). This should be fun!