![]() Dendrochirus zebra is known as the Zebra Lionfish or Dwarf Lionfish is an awesome addition to your fish tank! We’re updating this profile so check back again but in the meantime, if you have any questions, please ask in our forum! Click here to start asking your question! |
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Hello I have a dwarf zebra lion and I have had him a little over two weeds he is in a 45 gallon with about 27& live rock and a clown fish a jaw fish four damsels and a few hermit crabs. His diet is guppies and baby rosie reds! I came home to him floating upside down! What should I do I am very conserned about the well being of my fish I just tested my water and everything is fine!!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!
im not a Lionfish owner, but im just searching on google for information about them, as i want to get one… but eariler while i was earching, google talked about when they look dead, dont worry, it might be because there so lazy. email me if this is a late time, or u want to get more info, as i can go back to what i read, and give u the message of what they do, if it is dead or not.
I am relativily new to marine tanks but I have been keeping freshwater tanks for over 10 years. I have a 36gallon with 40lbs of live rock and a 29 with about 25lbs. In my 36 I have a dwarf zebra lion, 2 clowns and a leopard toby puffer. I have had the 36 for a few months and spend nearly all my time researching on my current livestock and on future prospects. One thing you mentioned that caught my attention was your choice of food for your lion. I have read that feeding the lionfish freshwater feeders can be bad for the fish and create some problems on its own. Guppies and rosies are high in fats and low in good quality highly unsaturated fats that the lion needs. I have been successful in feeding my lion frozen krill on the feeding stick you can find at your local fish store. It is also good to supplement the krill with vita chem or some sort or vitamin. But if the fish will not eat the frozen, which is a strong possiblity ghost shrimp may be your best alternative. I also recommend gut feeding the shrimp with a high quality marine flake food and even vita chem.