The Spiny Box Puffer is also known as the Striped Burrfish. It has a tan to yellow body with dark striping, and short, fixed spines which help protect it from larger, more aggressive fish. Its teeth are actually a fused beak-like structure. A 70 gallon or larger aquarium is suitable, provided it is a fish-only tank with plenty of room for swimming. It is known to nip at slow-moving fish and long-finned fish, but is not aggressive with others in its own family. It will eat invertebrates found in a reef tank. The Spiny Box Puffer needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth. Quick Stats: Note: This profile is currently incomplete. Description and/or images are temporarily taken from LiveAquaria and will be replaced shortly. If you are interested in writing a new description, please contact me at If you have any experience with this particular fish, please leave a comment below and share with us.
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