What are good tankmates for discus?

Oct 2, 2006
We are starting a new tank up (36 gallon bowfront) and will be putting some discus in as our "main fish". I also love clown loaches and plan on putting a few of those in.

I've seen those blue lobsters and the red shrimp, and I also like some of the rainbow fish I've seen. Whenever I ask questions at the pet store I get different responses on what can go with the discus so now I'm just confused.

So could anyone help me with picking some fish/invertebrates that would be good tankmates for the discus? We're trying to keep it colorful (no silver or black). Also how many discus should I put in there? Don't want to overcrowd. Thanks :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
A 36 bowfront is a little tight for discus. Personally I've never kept discus, so I don't speak from experience, but I'd say you'd max out at 2.

As far as clowns go... In my opinion clown loaches shouldn't be in anything less than a 55, preferably a 75. It's a fish that will normally reach up to 8" long in an aquarium, and up to 12" in the wild.

As far as tank mates go, a lot of smaller schooling tetras are quite colorful and active.


Large Fish
May 21, 2006
Omaha Ne
From what I know you might be able to get one in there with no other fish. discus are a very sensitive fish and therefore a pain in the *** to keep. I'd also keep some plants with him to keep water quality high.

I have seen neon tetras and other peaceful fish kept with discus in aquariums so I guess anything that isn't aggressive or fast moving will be okay. Also don't get anything that will out compete it for food either.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Clown loaches are good, and most tetra are good. Water quality is a MUST, 30% water changes tri-weekly is what I suggest for the minimum. Larger the tank, the more successful you will be.

You can't have large swing of ammonia or nitrites are they will get very stressed out and hide and sometimes die. The water should be somewhere from 82degs to 86degs and a ph of 6.8 to 7.2. Ideally 6.8 (depends on the breeders water conditions.) And the water hardness between 250 and 350ppm. The smaller the tank you have the drastic the swings will be, and the more stressed out your discus will be. A lot of people that keep discus have bare bottom tanks, and do 80% to 90% water changes daily with a drip system.

I have two striated discus fry in a 28G bowfront with two clown loach fry. This is a temporary tank while I'm building my 75G stand. They are doing fine and they only showed their bars for the first couple days. They have a bunch of Amazon swords in there so they have tons of cover so they feel safe. If you do plan on putting Discus in your tank, make sure there is a lot of cover for them. They like to hide when they are stressed and if there is no where to hide they start to get really upset. If you’re going to have more than two discus, I would get a 55g or larger set up, its easier for the long run and safer for the discus. the general rule is 10G for each adult Discus. At $50 a fish (at the cheapest) it gets expensive when you lose a fish due to poor water quality.

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Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I agree with Yahoo. The Lobsters/Crayfish are a definate no with Discus. Your tank is going to be a tight place to keep Discus. I have kept these guys and to tell you the truth 2 is not the best number to keep. They are not comfortable unless there are many of them (by many I mean at least 4 or 5). I had 2 in a 55G with many other fish, I harldy saw my discus swimming about. They spent most of their time hiding in the corner. If you are really set on discus then I suggest a bigger tank. If that is not a option and you really must do Discus the best advice that I can give to you is make the tank densely planted. 2 is the maximum number. Other fish that do well with Discus are Neons, Cardinals, Glolights, Rummy Nose, Cories, Loaches, Plecos....just to name a few. And your water MUST be pristine!

Oct 2, 2006
Thanks for all the useful info. Well the dude at the pet shop says they are lobsters (heck even the sign on the tank says they are) so who knows. Also good to hear everyone's thoughts on the discus needing space. I'm annoyed because everyone at the pet shops I go to are all "yeah they will be fine in your tank". Yeah I'm guessing all they care about is selling me a few $50 fish. Ugh....!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I wouldn't put the crayfish in with discus, either. They also do better at lower temps than discus like.

A crayfish in a 10g tank could be an interesting addition to your home, though. They generally aren't good with fish, and the lower temps than tropical also mean they need different conditions.

I think stores like to call them lobsters, as it sounds more exotic and expensive than "crayfish." Generally, if it's from saltwater, it's a lobster, from freshwater it's a crayfish, I think it's really a culinary term, rather than a biological one.

zoo minsi

Large Fish
Jan 8, 2005
Visit site
YahooFishKeeper said:
im afraid to tell you that blue lobsters are SW. so either someone got confused while telling you this or you are thinking of a BLUE CRAYFISH. also i dont reccomend you keep one with discus because if he doesnt die from the high temperature he will have one expensive snack.

NOT LOBSTERS... craziness everywhere...
ya there not lobsters but they are named them.



Nov 14, 2013
We are starting a new tank up (36 gallon bowfront) and will be putting some discus in as our "main fish". I also love clown loaches and plan on putting a few of those in.

I've seen those blue lobsters and the red shrimp, and I also like some of the rainbow fish I've seen. Whenever I ask questions at the pet store I get different responses on what can go with the discus so now I'm just confused.

So could anyone help me with picking some fish/invertebrates that would be good tankmates for the discus? We're trying to keep it colorful (no silver or black). Also how many discus should I put in there? Don't want to overcrowd. Thanks :)
ok no lobsters and shrimp wont be any good the shrimp will get eaten n u might find the lobsters will nip at your fish 36 gallons is small for a discus tank especially if u plan on putting other fish in but if thats as big as u can get you can get away with 3 discus and tank mates good for that size is corydoras cat fish and cardinal tetras but nothing else