Coral Banded Shrimp


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I just got one of these for my new SW tank (yep Pure is going over to the dark side) I understand they can be very territorial, my question is can I keep any other shrimp in the tank with it or will it be an all out war if I try.

Oh the tank is a 29 gal, and has been running for about 2 months now. SG is around .024.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I think they are mostly territorial amongst their own kind unless a mated pair. I believe they can be kept with other shrimp though in a 29g I would probably only have the one or maybe this and a pistol shrimp....different territories......


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Never seen any pistol shrimp local, maybe I should just toss another banded in and see what happens. One would think, like other territorial aquatic species they would set up territories on opposite sides of the tank....that is as long as they are evenly matched (size).


Thanks Lorna


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
Depends on the size difference, and how big and well fed the tank is. They get considerably larger than cleaners or peppermints, and if they get hungry will quite quickly dismantle them. Mine also attacks small fish.

In a 29 I think long term it will attack other shrimp


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Yeah I think If I am to keep any other shrimp in this tank it would have to be a pistol. I forgot to mention most of the other shrimp are too small, I chose the CBS cause I wanted a shrimp but needed one that could defend itself against the tank terror, my green spot puffer. Most other shrimp would become food for sure. The 2 met and the puffer got a quick nip now he knows to leave it alone. Puffers are not dumb that's for sure.

2 days ago I added a couple of Atlantic anemones, yeah I know not for beginners, and my lighting is sub par, but I am going to try and supplement it by giving them extra feedings and leaving the lights on for at least 18 hrs a day. I'm at 2.5 wpg. No I don't plan on keeping corals so yesterday I also added a very pretty red star. I know they get big, I'll trade it for another one when he gets too large.

If the anemones don't make it no big deal they were only 5 bucks, After looking at Johnny's tank I've decided to do an anemone based tank, if these guys don't make it I will just have no other choice but to up the lighting.

We will see.

Right now I have some interesting rock work and a large piece of lime stone I collected off the bank of the swanee river sum yrs ago. Live rock will be added in a couple of months. Yeah I know I should have done that first but my passion for plecos is keeping me broke. We won't even go into how much my last order of plecs cost.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
If the anemones don't make it no big deal they were only 5 bucks
I debated whether or not to say anything here, but I decided I had to comment that I think this is a really poor attitude to take. Sure, it is only ten dollars, but you are talking about an animal which, in its natural habitat, lives for hundreds of years that you are knowingly putting in a sub-par environment. I know all the "fish don't belong in a box" arguments, but at least the box is generally designed to meet the needs of that fish...


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I agree camaro, I should have frased that better. Leme put it this way, after reading several post on the subject and one by Wayne where he said the lighting argument that they need is a little over stated, and that it could be done with proper feedings. Not an exact quot but that's the jist of it. This made me decide to give it a try.

I may be new to salt water but am probably one of the most expirienced aquariest here, in other words if it is possible I am probably one of the ones that can make it happen. If I fail I'm only out 5 buck, big woop.

Not to mention if this doesn't work well then we have all learned something.

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Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Haven’t seen a post where anyone said "oh no my anemone died because I don't have enough light" And at this point if someone did say this I would have to ask "what are you feeding it or where you feeding it" Remember they get most of their energy derived from the algae living inside of them, BUT they do eat, it would seem to me that if they are fed enough they won't be so dependant on that algae. If I fail I will make a post letting you all know that my theory was a crock.

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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I think it did deserve to be deleted. First off the post you were refering too had been removed, so there was no point in leaving that up. It was also border line rude as well. Secondly there was no reason to continue down the road in which this thread had started to turn, so his action was an attempt to keep that from happening. And third, what he deleted had nothing to do with the subject matter in this post. I personaly think that your last post should be deleted all togeather, and if you have any issues with the mods then you should PM them or Arcab. Just because members don't see what we discuss in private does not meen that we just go around and delete posts or parts of posts just because we don't like what's being said without talking it over with each other. Feel more than free to PM me or email me about any of this, but it would be best for everyone to keep it off of the open forum. Thanks.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
This is what made me decide to give it a try, 65 watts on a 29 gal is far from dim.
Quoted by Wayne Doesn't matter if it's skimmed or not as long as the water quality is bang on. The lighting needs are a little overrated - anemones can survive in substandard lighting (but don't get silly, 2 NO fluor won't ever cut it) if you buck up the feeding. No amemonae will survive without feeding for more than a year - you aren't going ot be reaching it 's energy needs with just photosynthesis.
No it wasn't removed
Pretty stupid,
I was mearly letting this noob know who I am. I did say I don't mean to come off as pompous. I've kept more species of fish than most people have seen, you of all people know this. And I am one of the last people on this site that should be referred to as stupid. Sorry if I took offence to that. Further more if you ask me now it looks even worse as anyone who reads it now sees
Last edited by 1979camaro : 04-05-2007 at 10:32 AM. Reason: unnecessary comments removed
without having a clue as to what I said or the context of it. IMO that is worse than what I said. Further more my post do tend to jump all over the place, I see no reason to eat up bandwidth with thread after thread when people do tend to read posts made by me, look at the post viewed count.

I fully expected that last post to be deleted, at your request I deleted it.

I'm done venting, lets get back to some fishie bis.

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Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Day 3 and so far so good, the shrimp molted but lost one of his pinchers, I suspected that would happen as the original one was damaged. The bottom claw was missing. I'm guessing it will grow back with the next molt?

The anemones are doing great fully open, and hungry as hell, they are eating 1 to 1 n 1/2 raw shrimp daily. It makes a mess in the tank when they expel their wasted in the morning. I'm doing 40% water changes 1-2 times a week to keep WQ up to par.

Live rock should be added in a week. This limestone leaches and gives the water a white huhe, I know it's not a bacterial bloom because this was my brackish tank that has been up and running for over a yr now. and even after slowly increasing the SG to full SW It was crystal clear before adding the rock. I know the rock is safe as I've used it before in several tanks. In my 55 brackish I guess the water volume was high enough that I didn't notice this huhe.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
*sigh* well I had my first death lastnight. I had 2 atlantics, one huge one little, the big one is has a center that is larger than a softball wile the other ones center was smaller than a pingpong ball. durring the night the big guy decided to move and in doing so plowed over the little one and smothered it, I can see his tracks in the sand as he ran it over.l GRRRR. I knew these guys are known for moving around but didn't think they would mow over one another. :(...oh well, I'll still keep the big guy. Today I'm adding a few large feather dusters, and next week my shop is suposidly getting me in a large rock I know these don't need much light :p


Small Fish
Jun 22, 2006
I had a 50g with 8 shrimps. pair of gold coral banded, pair of harlequins, pair of sauron, and pair of cleaners. They all were doing fine. With a 29 gallon I'm sure you can add other cool shrimps along with your coral banded long as they got enough food.

anemone tank setup is great. i'm going to be doing one similar to johnny as well when i move to pasadena. but it'll be cooler than his.