Sevs are one of the kinds of fish that when they do mate they do it on their own time table, in other words when they feel like it. But of course they have to be adults. Mine were full grown before they mated.
An easy way to tell the sex is males get red stripes on their face once they get a little bit of size to them. Females lack these stripes. See the pick of my male in my other thread in Gen FW.
Yours may still be a little small to tell ATM. Give em a few months.
Just to clarify for my own purposes here---hopefully it helps you too, IDunnoWhy...
But does what you said about sexing them apply to the turquoise sevs as well---i.e. will their stripes be as visible as on the gold sevs? (if not, then I'm assuming that they'd be visible enough to distinguish for sexing purposes)...Would that be a fair assumption?
I was going to ask the same question as BV, My 3 guys are pretty dark though, so I'm not sure a red stripe will be visible. I didn't want to bother them last night while they were adjusting to the new tank, so I'll try to get some closer looks tonight.
Thanks Everyone, I'm sure more questions will follow. *BOUNCINGS
The only thing with using the stripe method (pure is right but...) is that some 'lines' of the Serverums dont have the stripes on the faces wether its a male or a female.
It should be apparent on the green sevs. What ones don't show the lines FG? Red shoulders? My heros have em as well as my common sevs. My female is a green and is totally without lines.
Males also once mature get more red in the anal fin and the tips of both the anal and the dorsal get longer than a female. For this way of sexing it takes a trained eye though.
Not sure Pure. Just read somewhere that some lines of Servums (depending on how they were bred) dont have the lines. It might now be a true fact. Dont know. LOL